Escape Attempt

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Kings words had gotten into your head and influenced your mood, Yamato was concerned seeing you depressed  and even thought they tried to cheer you up they failed " Did you eat something bad?" they asked sitting at the corner of your bed " No." you mumbled " Are you feeling sick?" they asked and you shook your head " It feels a little cold." you mumbled " That's probably because of the rain." said Yamato only to receive silence " When it was raining Ace would sit close to me so I wouldn't get cold and then we would gobble up some of Thatch's warm food." you mumbled sadly and Yamato frowned " I'll be back." they said and run out of your room.

They ran around the castle disturbing the crew from doing their tasks " What are you doing?" asked King stopping Yamato who was holding a bunch of blankets on one hand and a platter of food on the other , they frowned " It's your fault!" they said glaring  at the taller man " It's your fault that ( Y/n) is sad! I don't know what you told her but she is to upset! She hasn't even eaten anything! Which is really bad!" they yelled and King huffed " I just told her the plain truth. Master Kaido wants to see you. Give me these and head to him." said King taking the blankets  and the platter, Yamato wanted to protest but instead gritted their teeth and lowered their head before doing as told. The masked man handed the objects to a crew member only keeping a blanket and a plate ' Maybe I should see how she's doing.' he thought and started heading towards the room that you were kept.

Knocking on the door he waited for you to respond and raised an eyebrow when he received to answer, he entered and the plate fell from his hand while the blanket caught on fire, he quickly calmed himself ' Maybe she went to Sasaki. Even with out the cuff on she wouldn't be so foolish as to try and escape.' he thought exiting your room and heading where the green haired man resided. He found Sasaki passed out drank on his bed with you nowhere to be seen ' She couldn't have gone to any of the others. Who's who isn't on the island. Black Maria has never met her. Queen despises her and Page1....' he thought and walked to the room where your blades were kept. The man opened the door and saw that  the guards were knocked out and tied up, your weapons missing, his grip tighten to the point that he broke it " Seems like I was to soft on her." he spat eyes narrowed.

You run as the rain had began to fall harsher, you had learned from the guards that they kept a few boats with tied Koi fish in case of emergency at a specific location so that's where you were heading ' Like I would give up on running away. Who the hell said that I need saving like some damsel in distress?' you thought as you picked up your speed. The boats became visible to you and you felt a smile creeping to your lips " Quickly. Before they realize that I am gone." you mumbled getting in one and waking up the fish, the huge creatures started swimming and you were about to celebrate your success, until one of them was hit, your boat rocked and you almost fell in the sea but someone grabbed you, your eyes widen and your face paled as you saw King glaring at you.

The man threw you at the beach your body hitting the sand with such a strong impact that made the air get knocked out from your lungs, he landed a few feet away from you " I believed that  you and I could come to an understanding seems like I was wrong." he said as you got up and pulled out your blades " Put those away and lets head back to the castle. I do not want to hurt you." he said and you huffed " How come?" you asked as ready to attack or defend yourself at any given second. King just stared at you for a bit and if it wasn't for his mask you would have seen that he was frowning " I have taken a strong liking towards you, surprisingly, thus I have been patient and took your watch instead of Queen. But I also have my limits and I'm afraid you have managed to reach them." he said and you narrowed your eyes " This is your last chance. Let's go back." he said and you scoffed " No thanks." you spat.

You threw one of your blades at him, swinging it from the chain you aimed to wrap it around his neck but the man simply grabbed it and pulled you towards him. Once he pulled you close enough you attacked sending a slash towards him, thinking that he was protected by his armored Haki the man didn't avoid it, he let out a pained groan as drops of blood fell to the sand, you pulled your other weapon back and grew the distance between you and him before firing a rain of bullets in his direction. King was quick to dodge and shorten the distance between the two of you " Andon." he said as his fist got covered in flames and he delivered a strong hit on your side, you brought you blade down and he pulled his own sword blocking your attack, the blades clashed against each other " You are quiet strong since you managed to come out alive from a fight with Kaido-sama. But you are not strong enough yet." he said and you let one of your blades drop before kicking it up and sliced the man across the face. King's hand flew to his face, his mask was torn open but his skin hadn't taken any damage. You were taken aback by the rage you felt emitting from the man, without a word he managed to disarm you and throw a hard fire punch straight to your torso, your body rolled in the sand and it was only stopped because the man stomped on you. Rolling to your back you did your best to breath as everything became blurred " I warned you that my patience was running out and you went straight ahead and cut my mask off." he said as his red eyes glared down at you.

A scream ripped from your throat when he stepped on your wrist crushing the limp below his weight " If Kaido-sama would have caught you he would have you killed." he said as he added more weight making you scream again in pain, tears started gathering in your eyes as you felt your bone shutter " You should be quiet." he said kneeling over you, one of his knees at the side of your body while his other leg rose a little higher on your arm " Get off! GET THE FUCK OFF ME DAMNIT!" you cursed hitting his leg with your fist. The man let out an annoyed huff " So stubborn." he spat before pressing harder on your arm, before you could scream he covered your mouth with his gloved hand " Didn't I tell you to be quiet?" he asked after you had calmed down and you managed to nod even with his iron grip around your jaw, he seemed satisfied with that and he let go his hand moving to wipe the tears that were staining your face " I won't...I won't try t-to escape again." you sobbed and the man looked at you with a bit of regret " But how can I be sure?" he asked his face leaning closer to yours " I think I should carve it deep in your memory, the consequences of your actions." he said one of his hands going to your kneecap and holding it tightly "  I swear I won't try to get out of Onigashima! I won't!" you cried as his grip tighten around your limb " Ssshhh. I know you will listen from now on, but I can't let you go unpunished for what you have already done." he said with a tone that if spoken with other words it could be considered comforting.

He leaned down, his lips touching yours and at the same moment you felt the twist and the pull on your leg. King held you in his arm whispering apologizes in your ear as he held you against his body " I know it hurts." he said running his fingers threw your hair " But I have to make sure that you won't try to leave no matter what. I can't let you leave Onigashima. I can't let you leave me." he whispered.


King is described as being sadistic  

Also I was talking with my friend about how everyone finds it hot how Law says " Shambles. " or " Tack." but nobody talks about how hot he sounds when he says " Radion Knife while cutting down Trebol.

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