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You always had a messy sleep schedule but not like this, every time Doflamingo was around you you'd have to stay awake even if he was sleeping and when he would finally be too busy with work you would take quick naps but once he was near you you would jump awake ' I want to murder him.' you thought as the man slept next to you on the bed. The man started twisting and turning and you slapped his hand away and turned to yell at him " I swear if you try to touch-" you stopped seeing the man panting heavily with sweat running down his face " Doflamingo?" you asked leaning closer to the man who was clenching the blankets and gritting his teeth " Oi Doflamingo!" you said lightly shaking him " Mother....Rosinate..." he grumbled and you shook him more " Dof-EEEEEHHHH" you screeched when he suddenly opened his eyes and shot up, his forehead colliding with yours and pushed you back on the matters. 

The man quickly put on his glasses while you groaned in pain clenching your forehead, after taking a few seconds to stop his racing heart the man turned to you " What exactly were you doing?" he asked and you turned to look at him " You were tossing and turning I just wanted to check on you! DID YOU USE HAKI TO HEADBUT ME?" you asked whining while rubbing your forehead. The man inspected you for a bit as you cursed before chuckling " Let me see that." he said coming closer to you " Like hell I will!" you yelled but he paid no mind to you and took your hands away, your skin was a little red but other than that there was nothing wrong " You really like to overreact huh?" he asked smirking at your annoyed expression " The only drama-queen here is you Doffy." you huffed and his smirk grew " What did you call me?" he asked and that's when you realized that you had called him by his nickname, the Shichibukai had been pestering you to call him " Doffy'' and you had refused up to this point " Donflomingo is a mouthful." you  excused yourself and the man laughed " Sure, sure." he said and grabbed pulling you near him as he laid back down " What are you doing?" you asked trying to push yourself away " I'll be able to sleep more peacefully like this. Now stop moving around and sleep, tomorrow is a big day." he said and you raised an eyebrow " A big day? Why?" you asked not liking the sudden cheerfulness " We'll arrive at Dressrosa." he said.

" Here." said Sugar while throwing a pair of clothes ( pin.it/33Ac1Uu )  to you " The Young Master requested you wear these. And hurry up." she said before slamming the door sat. When you had woken up the next morning Doflamngo wasn't there but you guessed that he must be near since your body was still intact and your restrains were not beeping. You took a shower and began getting dressed " This sandals are a pain." you grumbled trying to tie the long strings along your leg " Still not ready?" asked the Shichibukai from the door " Just give me a second! Do you know how hard it is to get dressed while injured?" you asked with a huff. Doflamingo stood infront of you before kneeling down at taking your leg, he wrapped the string of the sandal and carefully tied it up then did the same with the other " We're gonna get Law to fix you up. And next time you need help getting dressed or undressed just let me know, I'll be more than happy to help." he said smirking while your face flushed red.

Arriving at Dressrosa was not what you were expecting, a huge crowd had gathered at port cheering ' The hell? Well I guess everyone got fans.' you thought following behind Trebol who was walking behind Doffy, the crowd directed questions towards the Shichibukai " Eh who is that?" asked someone pointing at you and you suddenly wished to become invincible " Are you part of the Donquixote Familly?" asked a beautiful woman and you smiled at her making her blush " I'm actually-" before you could say anything more Doflamingo grabbed you and pulled you to his side " People of Dressrosa!" he called and gave you a devilish grin ' What is he planning?' you thought " I was planning to make this big announcement under proper circumstances but I believe the sooner the better. This." he said motioning to you " Is my fiancé and your future queen!" he said " WHAT!" you along with the people and his crew yelled. After the sudden shock the crowd cheered and wished to their king " What game are you playing!?" you hissed at him while he smirked down at you " The most entertaining one." he said pushing you forward.

" DOFFY PLEASE THINK ABOUT IT!" yelled Trebol on the table " I AGREE DOFFY! WHAT DID YOU EVEN FIND TO THIS GIRL? THERE ARE SO MANY PERFECT CANIDETS OUT THERE!" yelled a man named Diamante that strangely reminded you of Mick Jager " This is Doffy-sama's decision!" said a huge man named Pika who had a really high voice. You didn't speak, you just took inhale after inhale from the cigarettes that you had requested, you hadn't smoke in a while and after the Shichibukai's sudden announcement you needed it more than ever. Diamante slammed his fist on the table " STILL YOU SHOULD HAVE CONSULTED US ON THE MATTER!" he yelled " WHAT IF THIS VIXEN HAS ANY ALTERIORS MOTIVES?" he yelled pointing at you and you found yourself chuckling " What is so funny?" asked the executive before you chuckles turned to full laughter " HEY YOU BITCH I ASKED WHAT'S SO F-" " Diamante." came Doffy's voice, his tone was cold and it hinted a warning.

You managed to stop your laugh and let out a sigh " I'll tell you what is funny." you said throwing the cigarette on the carpeted floor " The fact that I didn't even want to be here." you said stomping on it " I just simply wanted to continue my sailing with my crew and find my friend." you said looking at the executive straight in the eye " But instead I got kidnapped and then exchanged as some type of cargo and now your dear Young Master decides to pull this shit. To answer your questions my only motive is to escape." you said and everyone felt you Haki oozing out not because you were letting it out on purpose but because you were to frustrated to keep it under control . You turned to look at the blond in the eye " And I will escape cause the last thing that I want is spending the rest of my life with an egoistical son of a-" you didn't have time to finish your sentence before the table in front of you was sliced in two, your hands got tied up behind your back and Donflamingo had wrapped his hand around your throat.

A vein was visible on his forehead and even though he still had his grin on you could feel his anger and  a bit of disappointment " You may not realize it  but I did you a favor from taking you from Onigashima." he said squeezing your neck while you kept glaring at him " I'm giving you a great opportunity here do not waste it and do not waste my patience. Because I can take what I want with force if I wish to be it your ability to hear the Poneglyphs or you." he said releasing some of the pressure and motioning for the executives to leave. Once the door was closed he let you go and you dropped to the ground breathing heavily, you tried to move your hands but they were still bound behind your back, the man kneeled next to you " I'm not as patient as King." he said fingers tracing over your injured leg and you started breathing faster " I know this was sudden but take some time to think about all that we discussed here." he said patting your head and freeing your limbs. 

The man pulled you up and you pushed yourself away " Still feeling feisty?"  he asked raising an eyebrow " I ain't scared of you or your threats." you spat and the man chuckled " If I wanted you to, you would be." he said still grinning from ear to ear.

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