Can't Get Away With Everything

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" And after that Doffy-sama has arranged for you...Are you listening to me?" asked Viola as you just stared at her " No." you replied and the woman sighed " You cannot keep doing this. This behavior will only end up angering him." said the woman, the past couple of weeks you have been avoiding the man like the plague, he would arrange a schedule for you but you would simply ignore it, since you wouldn't listen to him he placed you under Viola's care " How long are you going to keep this up? You have been sleeping in the bathroom and I doubt that it is comfortable in there." she said and you shrugged " Until he cuts off the marriage bullshit." you spat and the woman glared at you " This behavior is completely childish, as a future queen you should-" " Start acting more mature." you finished the woman's sentence and she let out a sigh " I'm done covering for you. From this moment on if you do not oblige with your schedule I will....stop providing you with snacks." she said and you gasped. The snacks that the woman brought you were the only thing that you could eat since you did not left the room to join the rest of the family to dinner " I will take my leave!" she huffed and slammed the door behind her.

Tiptoeing from your room to the end of the hallway you peaked around the corner ' All clear.' you thought seeing no one around " What are you doing?" came Pica's high pitched voice from behind you " No matter,  Doffy-sama told me to come and get you. He said that's enough of mopping around." said the man grabbing you by the back of your shirt before you could run away " Let go of me Pica!" you yelled trying to wiggle away from him " I said let go damnit! You oversized helium balloon!" you yelled and landed with a huff when you managed to slip out of Pica's grip, he called your name but let out a sight of frustration when you disappeared " That girl is too frustrating to deal with." he mumbled to himself " Well she is heading to Doffy's office so it should be fine." he mumbled leaving you to run.

As you ran you kept looking behind you in case Pica was coming after you. Colliding with a hard surface you fell backwards with a groan, looking up you saw a pair of Sugar's infamous toys, two robots holding hands, one was larger about the size of an adult and the other was around the size of a child. You had never seen any of them up close " Wait a minute." you mumbled getting up and backing away, right above the two toys you could see the faint silhouettes of a man dressed as a reporter and a child " What the hell am I seeing?" you mumbled and your hand moved closer to the robot " Are you....are you human?" you asked touching it. A startled yell left your mouth when a bright light influenced the toys and they changed shape. You stared at the two humans in complete shock as they cried tears of joy and hugged each other " What.the.fuck." you mumbled and the father and son duo turned to you " You! You saved us! Thank you so much!" said the father taking your hands and getting on his knees " I can't thank you enough!" he said as you stared at him in shock " But....we're in the castle. These....are you a captive? So you must know how horrible of a man Donflamingo is!" said the man. You took your hands away and raised them " Wait a minute! Please give me an explanation of what is going on!" you said and the man nodded looking around nervously, you pulled the father and the son away from the main hallway to a smaller one.

The man was a journalist for the " World Economy" newspaper and had come to Dressrosa undercover with his son to get dirt on Donflamingo and he had done exactly that, you listen in horror as the man told you how Dressrosa fell in the Shichibukai's hands and about the Smiles and other experiments he had appointed to Caesar. Your blood run cold when you heard the blond man's laugh " Seems you have a lot to say back to Morgans, to bad he wont hear any of it." said Donflamingo, you managed to get the kid out of the way and cover his eyes as his father got sliced to pieces. The little kid flinched when some blood splattered on him " My my! How did you manage to cancel Sugar's power huh? Does it have to do with those eyes of yours?" asked Trebol from a little further " No matter. Hand over the kid." said the mucus man and you shook your head eyes darting from Doflamingo to Trebol " I said hand it over!" yelled the man attacking you but you avoided the attack.

You tossed the kid over your shoulder and made a run for it, Doflamingo.... there was no way you could fight him and win especially without your swords but could at least knock him out for a few. As the mucus man followed you you did a backflip and jumped above him, coating your legs with Haki you stomped on his head knocking him out " Shit." you cursed as you barely avoided an wave of strings, you were not that lucky the second time, you clenched your teeth as you felt your flesh getting cut and you got flung out of the window. As you slid down the wall you managed to catch a glimpse of your reflection in one of the windows , a pair of golden eyes stared back and the sudden surprise made you lose your balance and fall at the pool below.

Swimming up to the surface you checked on the kid " You're not hurt are you?" you asked and he shook his head, you swam out and cursed when the bracelets started beeping. Your blood ran cold as a shadow loomed over you and silence fell " That's why I told you to keep close." said Donflamingo running a hand threw your hair, the kid got knocked off your hands while the Shichibukai grabbed your hair and pulled you up " I have been extremely patient with you up to this point. But I can't let you get away with everything." he said tightening his grip making you try to pry his arm off golden eyes glaring at him , this seemed to anger him even more, strings wrapped around your arms cutting the flesh. You turned your head around when you heard the boy cry, Diamante was holding him by the back of his shirt and the boy wiggled around trying to get away.

Donflamingo's grin widen seeing the worry in your eyes " Diamante. Get rid of it." he said and your head snapped back to him " Wait! Wait! I promise I'll behave! I will follow the damn schedule! So just let the kid go." you said and he chuckled " If you want something shouldn't you for it a little nicer?" he mocked and you gritted your teeth ' This bastard wants me to beg!' you thought in rage but decided for the kids safety to swallow your pride " Please Doffy, I'll do what ever you want me to do, but please let the boy live." you said and with a satysfied smile the man loosened his grip on you " Sugar." he called and without any other instructions the woman approached the kid and touched his face " Here I'll let him live and keep you company." he said as the boy now turned back in to a robot toy fell to the ground. It was silent for a while " Are you done throwing your tantrum?" he asked as you bit your lip " You're fucking despicable." you spat as the man grabbed your arm and pulled you up " Let's go, Diamante send someone to take care of a corpse at the main hall of my office." ordered the man pulling you along.

You glared at the wall as you laid on the bed, you quickly shut your eyes when Donflamingo came out of the bathroom " i know you're awake. Look if you hadn't turn back that reporter I wouldn't have to do this to you. It's your fault and I'm still waiting for you to tell me how you did that." he said as you opened your eyes " I don't know how. Maybe it has to do with the soul and that freedom bullshit that I keep hearing about." you mumbled and tried not to react when the man wrapped one arm around you " Well we'll figure it. We got all the time in the world." he said taking your hand and placing a ring on it " Your toy will come with your clothes a little later so you can sleep until then, I have to make some preparations to make the announcement public." he said and your frowned deepened " These sort of things keep people happy. Much like the events of the Colosseum." he said and you sighed " Bread and circuses." you mumbled closing your eyes again, not to sleep but to avoid any further conversation with the man.

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