Caught In Posion Gas

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' I am stealthy.'

' I am sly.'

' I am fucking invincible!'

" Big sis what are you doing?" asked a little girl and you jumped ' I HAVE BEEN SPOTTED!' you screamed in your head and turned around, a small girl with purple eyes and short black unkept hair stared at you " I was looking  for  something  that I dropped." you replied and the girl looked at the ground " Can I help you find it?" she asked and you sighted " Where are your parents? Shouldn't  you be with them?" you asked and the girl frowned " I stay at the hospital because I'm  sick. The doctor leaves me out only for an hour. I can't  play with my friends or see my parents. Sometimes lady Rosseta reads me fairy tails from her window, I really  like the one about the treasure." she said her small smile returning. Feeling a bit bad you patted her head " Alright you can help me look for it if that makes you happy." you said and her face light up " Yay! I'll  be sure to find it sis!" she said and started looking around.

You used the opportunity  to take a better look at the house while you searched and talked with the girl " So you know Miss Rosetta?" you asked her and she nodded " Yea. She and my mom are friends but now that she's  getting married she doesn't  come out of the house." she said looking threw the grass " Is she busy?" you asked and the girl frowned " She says so but I know that mister Frederick doesn't  let her." she mumbled as she sat down " You don't  like mister Frederick?" you asked sitting down next to her " It's  not that. He made the pirates leave and he brought doctors to take care of us. But I he makes miss Rosetta sad." she said and you patted her head "MOCHA! MOCHA! WHERE ARE YOU THE DOCTOR IS HERE  TO SEE YOU!" yelled a woman from down the heal and the girl jumped on her feet " The nurse is calling me! I have to go! Sorry I couldn't  find what you were looking  for sis." she said and you shook your head with a small smile " It's  alright. Go, don't  make her- Whatch out!" you called as the girl tripped and almost fell But you managed to caught her. You let out a sight " Let's  go together. If you're  dizzy  just hold my hand." you said as the little girl held your hand tightly.

After almost a year in this world and apparently it's  most bizarre  part of he globe you shouldn't  be surprised by looks but the two men in front of you just didn't  feel right. One was ordinary looking, black hair and beard with a pair of glasses covering his eyes and he wore  a simple white coat, if you ignored the various items stuck on his cheek. The other was a bit more quirky, he had chalk white skin, sharp golden eyes and purple hair with a pair of goat horn on his head, he was wearing a lab coat that seemed like gas ' Or is it gas shaped  like a lab coat?' you thought " Mocha where were you!? Did you she cause you trouble?" asked a woman resembling the young girl " No not at all. She was actually keeping me company, I am a traveller and was just exploring the island." you said and the girls mother gave you a small smile " How kind of you, bringing her back." said the purple haired man " It was nothing really. Well then if you'll  excuse me I'll  have to-" he took hold of your hand with both of his " I would like to invite you to for a cup of coffee. As a thanks for bringing the little one back." he said and you gave him a forced smile " Thank you for the invite but I have to go." you said taking a step back only to bump into the other man's  chest " We would insist." he said. You gulped feeling your stomach twist " I guess a cup wouldn't  hurt." you mumbled.

Izo had gone back to your boat to see if everything was still in place as he was exiting  he froze eyes widening as he stared at the approaching ship ' What are they doing here!?' he thought eyes glued at the Jolly Roger ' Out of all people why them?!' he screamed in his head and then everything got whiped out of his head except one thing, to find you and get the hell out of here. 

The male bardged into the hotel room " ( Y/n) We need to go!" he said but  stopped, hand immediately  going to his gun " Where is she?" he spat at the man who was comfortably  sitting on the bed " Your little friend is a little bit busy." said the marine " She'll  be going somewhere and you will be coming with me but don't  worry. I will let you say a final goodbye." said Frederick standing  up. Izo fired and the older man scoffed " How rude." he said before disappearing  and appearing right next to the pirate, Izo quickly pulled out the other gun and fired, the bullet grazed the man's cheek and without blinking he fired to more shots, one hit the marine on the shoulder and the other was dodged " Don't  make this a chore." spat the marine as his gloved fist met Izo's jaw. 

The pirate managed to block the next punch with one of his guns, Frederick got rid of one of his gloves and attacked again. Izo hissed feeling his flesh get cut and jumped back, he held his bleeding shoulder " An eye for an eye." said the marine raising up his hand and showing his weapon, sharp metallic fingernails. Izo narrowed his eyes and went to straighten up only to feel a sudden wave of dizziness " Don't  worry." said Frederic delivering another punch and sending him crushing on the furniture  " The poison isn't  enough to kill you." he said kicking Izo's  weapon away and stepping on him " I'll  get more credit if I hand you over alive." he said with  a smirk as Izo's  vision turned black.

Conversation  with the two men wasn't  much, one wouldn't  talk at all and the other talked so much that he gave you no time to speak. At some point after receiving a call the glasses wearing male left you " So how come you are so passionate about helping those kids out?" you asked as you sipped on your drink " It is my duty as doctor of course." said the man letting a weird chuckle before sighting " But I also had a son, he suffered from the same illness  as those poor children and sadly...I lost him." he said looking at the ground. Your eyes narrowed for a split second ' I ain't  buying it.' you thought sweat building up on your forehead  ' I feel is becoming harder and harder to breath.' you thought  placing your glass down.

Putting a smile on your face you got up " I enjoyed our time but I have to go." you said getting up, as you turned your back the man let out a laugh " Shirorororo I'm  sorry young lady but I'm  afraid we can't  let you go." he said as you opened the door and found your way blocked by the man wearing glasses " Ceasar the young master said to do this quietly." said the man and you felt his eyes looking at you from behind his shades ' Shit.' you thought and quickly pulled out the handle of your sword opening the hilt and firing a couple of shots towards the man and jumped back, twisting  your body you pulled out your blade and send a slash towards Ceasar, the man was not effected even thought the ground was sliced open " A logia user." you spat covering your blade with Haki.

The purple haired man smirked and pulled out a castanet, you kicked it away from him  and brought down your blade " VEEERRRRGOOOO!!!" screeched the cornered man. You were thrown aside by a strong force and crashed to the wall, you coughed and looked up, the glasses wearing man was covered from head to toe with Haki " You two are troublesome." you spat the hilts of your swords opening and firing at them. Vergo didn't  move but the bullets passed him and only then did he realise that they were not aimed at him But at Caesar, he turned to look behind him as his companion yelled in pain. He felt the pressure from your presence  but he did not expect you to be this close still he did not seem faze, that was until he felt your blade cut threw his Haki and flesh, he gritted his teeth bringing his fist down only for you to block it with the other sword. The black matter started cracking and bloodrops started falling to the floor " YOU DAMN FOOL!" screamed Caesar as a rope of gas wrapped around your neck and threw you away before wrapping around your head, you tried to free yourself as the purple haired man laughed " Don't  kill her." said Vergo still on high alert even though your eyes had began to close.

Your hands dropped limply to the side ' Crap. I'm  sorry Izo.' was your last thought before your eyes closed completely. Caesar dropped you to the floor  and approached your body along with his companion " What a troublesome woman has the master picked. But we can say that we were lucky for stumbling on her so suddenly and alone." he said while Vergo took the swords away from your grip and picked you up " Let's  go." he said throwing you over his shoulder while carrying your weapons on his other hand " You go. I have to make sure  everything goes smoothly with the brats." spat Caesar sitting down to treat his wounds while the other man nodded.

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