Chapter 51: I Hate When I'm Right....

Start from the beginning

I had just finished getting the Javelin put together when I heard the meeting start. I loaded the rocket into the tube and set it down, waiting for either Blake and Sun to get out of there undetected, or for all hell to break loose. The man that spoke was someone I recognized immediately. 

Red Hood: ....Walker....

Walker: Thank you all for coming tonight! For those of you who are joining us for the first time tonight, allow me to introduce a very "Special comrade" of ours. I can assure you that he is the key to obtaining what we fought for for so long! 

Within seconds, the crowd turned against the White Fang. I could only assume that it was Torchwick since he was the one presenting whatever it was that they had. I was a little concerned that he would get ripped to shreds in there. If he had any sense, he would have Neo close by with a exit strategy ready. 

Torchwick: Thank you! Thank you! Please.... Hold your applause.... And your claws....

Smooth Roman.... Real smooth.... The entirety of the crowd was up in arms wanting to kill him. The joke really didn't help his case any. Torchwick needed to turn the crowd to his side if he wanted to keep breathing. The fact that Walker hasn't tried to calm the crowd tells me that he was hoping for this to happen. Walker thrives on chaos and misery. If anything, he might even facilitate Torchwicks' demise at the crowd, just for the shits and giggles of it. The crowd was getting even louder, I can't help but ask how the hell he's going to get out of this?

Torchwick: Why I'm glad you asked, Deery! 

Well that was convenient....

Torchwick: Now, I will be the first to admit.... Humans. Are. The. Worst. Case in point, that Red Foot or Hood, what ever he calls himself! Indiscriminately hunting and killing you like animals! And he isn't the only one! So I understand why you all would love to see us locked away.... Or better yet, killed!

Sun: *Whisper* So is he going somewhere with this or....

Just wait for it. Torchwick could scam a beggar out of his last Lein. All he's got to do is keep doing what he's doing. Before they even know it, he'll have them wrapped around his finger. 

Torchwick: Not to mention that I, and all of you, share a common enemy. The ones in control. The people who are pulling the strings. The dirty, rotten humans who run our kingdoms. Government. Military. Even the schools are in on it. Their all to blame for your lot in life! And they are all pests who need to be dealt with. Fortunately, I'm the best exterminator around.... No offence to any rodents in the room. 

That would be me actually but whatever you say. I looked around, making sure that there wasn't anything out of the ordinary. No White Fang posting on opposite rooftops. No Atlas preparing to come crashing down on the party. No Huntsmen who were about to start a sting operation. Nothing was coming. That was a good sign. Maybe we can get out of this without any trouble. All of a sudden, I was nearly deafened by the roar of the crowd. Whatever he just showed them must have been extraordinary.... Extraordinarily bad that is.

Sun: *Whisper* Huh.... That's a big robot....

Blake: *Whisper* How did he get that?!

Red Hood: *Whisper* Guys what does he have?

Torchwick: U-um.... Ahem.... As some of you may have heard, this is Atlas' newest line of defense against all the "Scary" things in the world. And thanks to my employer, we managed to snag a few before they... Er... Hit the shelves, so to speak. 

It was at this point that Neo sent me a text with a couple images attached. I opened the message and my blood ran cold. There's not a lot that can actually scare me much anymore. This.... This doesn't scare me.... It terrifies me.

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