39. Shawn's Annual Business Gala

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"But now you got one and you have to keep it. There is no one more eligible for this job then you."

"Thankyou Hyung for believing in me. I'll be always there for you." he rested his head on my chest and I hugged him, enjoying the peace and tranquility his presence was giving me.

"By the way you also look handsome hyung." he smiled looking in my eyes.

"If you say so

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"If you say so..." I pecked his forehead.

Kim Taehyung

The hall was flooded with the elite kind of chandeliers and lightening. That's how business gala's are, a show of power and money. I wondered if this money was donated to poors, then no one would've to sleep hungry.

Sometimes I ask God that if He loves his creation equally then why is this status system? When poors have to struggle for a bite of food and rich light their money on fires like this

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Sometimes I ask God that if He loves his creation equally then why is this status system? When poors have to struggle for a bite of food and rich light their money on fires like this. I wished that there was no difference in human beings. I wish no human being had to go through the pain of feeding his kids and family.

"What happened love?" Jungkook asked me.

"Nothing, it's just too crowded places makes me suffocated." I smiled.

"Just a little while then we will be going home." he squeezed my hand and I nooded my head.

"Well, Congratulations Jeon." A sturdy man made his way towards us.

"Mr. Seo Chul, thank you. Taehyung this is one of our partners Mr. Seo and this is my husband Jeon Taehyung." Jungkook smiled.

"Congratulations to you too young man. I apologize for not attending your wedding reception, I wasn't in Seoul. But you both have my blessing." the man hugged Jungkook.

"I understand Mr. Seo. Well, congratulations to you too on launching your brand in America." Jungkook said.

"Well, you know how business is you gotta expand." he laughed.

"That's why I am here tonight too..."

"Well, You and Shawn's, I am looking forward to see what's cooking" the man slapped Jungkook's shoulder playfully.

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