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Avnita's pov:

As I touched the fabric of my dress, I marvelled at how such a simple garment could boost my confidence and make me feel beautiful. Perhaps it was just one of those days when I felt secure and had a positive attitude.

I am excited to dress up and feel happy because I am going to my all-time favourite restaurant. This place is special to me as it is where my friends and family often gather to celebrate various occasions.

The dress is navy blue with pretty detailing on the sleeve. It was also hugging my body perfectly while simultaneously highlighting my assets. I paired it with small black heels and a gold chain, which has a small ruby pendant. For makeup, I stick to my kohl and lipstick. But this time, for a change, I applied a dark shade of maroon instead of a nude peach one.

And for earrings, I wore small gold studs, which were a gift from my Maasi (Aunt) for graduating college. She is a sweet lady in her forties, but I don't see much of her due to her travelling so much for work purposes. That's why she makes sure to give gifts on special occasions.

After spritzing some perfume, I take my black clutch and move downstairs towards the door where I know he is already waiting. I tend not to keep track of time when lost in thoughts, a very bad habit of mine that I need to work on.

Speaking of being lost in thoughts, I don't have to tell you how much I have obsessed over a certain someone. Even though I'm not obsessed or anything. It's just that I am new to thinking about a particular person from time to time thing. So it feels like a big deal.

Sighing, I open the door and quickly turn around to close it. I again turn around after hearing a dramatic gasp.

"What the hell?!"

"Excuse me?" I asked bewildered by his reaction.

"I didn't know you could look more beautiful than you usually do!" He said while extending one arm to help me down the stairs, I blushed heavily after hearing the genuine compliment.

"Aww, well thank you gentleman and I must say you cleaned up good too." I say winking at him. I was not lying, he did look handsome in his blue blazer and messy hair. And of course, his charming smile which is his best feature apart from his height obviously.

"Of course, I had to look good because I am taking a beautiful lady on a dinner much like your gorgeous self.  Now come on, we are getting late for our reservation." He said, making a hurry-up face at the end.

"Alright, alright let's go."




We reach the restaurant and thank God we have a reservation because it seems like everyone decided to come to this restaurant today as the crowd seems wild. And we couldn't even find a valet or a parking spot at the moment.

"Damn, we have to park away from the restaurant. Where is the valet? Agreed that it's a little rush tonight, but still, why today of all day?" He said, resting his head on the steering wheel.

"I know right? But it's never this crowded like ever. I come here multiple times." I say with furrowed eyebrows and look at all the waiting sofas occupied by someone or the other.

"Nitu, I think it would be convenient if you wait here till I park the car and come back or else we could lose our reservation."

"Smart." I say while getting out of the car and wave at him as he drives down the street to find a parking spot. Which is quite difficult to find in Mumbai.

I take one last glance at the road and turn around only to collide with a rigid figure and wince feeling a little pain on my forehead.

 But the story wouldn't come to an end without having Nita's cheeks turn red from either embarrassment or blush.

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