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Avnita's Pov

I was currently working.

I wouldn't say I love this job.

Yes, I love designing jewels and it's my passion. But this is tiring and I am a little frustrated about giving tons (not really) of designs to our manager in a short period. I am used to working at my pace and not under constant pressure and stress.

And the mean assistant manager is not making anything more manageable for me. I managed to commute less with her but she never missed a chance to taunt me or throw in a snarky remark about my looks. But leaving this downside, there are some goodies too.

As it's been a week, Bhavin and I have become good friends, he is lovely and never fails to compliment me and always encourages me, a true angel I tell you. He reminds me of Riya so much, I miss her a lot and at one point I even wanted to play cupid between the two of them but sadly that's not possible.

I am already tired. 

I still didn't meet the boss. She did come back from her vacation but I didn't get the chance to meet her because apparently, she is too busy with her current projects, which are very important and she is designing them by herself. 

She is hard working and I want to be like her in the future.

"1 2 3 4 get on the dance floor-" I heard my phone ring and immediately picked up the call after seeing the caller Id.



"Why are you not visiting me for the last 2 weeks?! I am sick of only seeing this monkey's face! I need you Nitaaaaaa." Riya is not at all dramatic. Sighs. 

"I am so sorry Ri but I am kinda swamped with work for the rest of the week. But we can all have a sleepover on the weekend and I am already coming to work on Friday as per my schedule. I will make it up to you I promise." 

We never have gone this long without talking to each other. Even if we didn't meet up,  we always made sure to have a chat on our phones. And I was feeling guilty because I didn't accept any of her calls in the past few days. 

"Awww don't be Nita, I know you are having difficulties adjusting to your job and are overwhelmed too. Don't worry Nita we are going to have a blast at our sleepover and I will also make sure to make your ass work hard on work. Don't think I forgot about your crime." 

She said the last part sternly as if I genuinely did a horrifying crime. Classic Riya.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING? TALKING ON YOUR PHONE AT WORK? DO YOU GET PAID FOR TALKING SHIT? YOU ARE ONLY AN INTERN OKAY? I CAN GET FIRED YOU KNOW? NOW GET BACK TO YOUR WORK BITCH!" Saying or more like screeching this the witch slammed the door shut on her way out. Leaving everyone stunned. 

I was tempted to give her a piece of mind and also to yell at her stupid plastic face that lunch break is going on. 

All my colleagues were looking at me. Some with pity and some with amusement while the rest of them were unconcerned. I was embarrassed and now she will surely complain about me to the manager. I know she deliberately screamed at me and left without hearing me out. 

Wow, it's been only a week and I am already been complained to the manager twice. 

"I will talk to you later Riya darling. Bye."

"But-" I hung up the call and started arranging my designs in a folder because I knew I would be called into the office in 10 minutes. Thank god, I am done with my work before my assigned date.

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