Chapter Five | Unwanted

Start from the beginning

"That would be unprofessional. You clearly locked these two up for a reason, I shouldn't have messed with them."

"I put them away because Turtle gets nervous around strangers and I didn't want to have to give people new shoes if she peed on them in fear and Rhino is still learning how to be around strangers and tends to go a bit crazy and ends up scaring Turtle even more."

"I see."

"Mongoose is the oldest and he does well with others so I let him stay out so he can reassure Turtle and help teach Rhino how to behave, otherwise he would be in here as well so he can take a nap."

"You chose rather interesting names for your pets; care to use that as a post for your new followers?" I redirect, hoping to get things back to the matter on hand.

Kang Il shrugs, "It's not particularly interesting or newsworthy. They're simply personality based. Turtle is quiet and likes to hide her head when she's scared; rhino is well, I'm sure you can guess, he tends to like to stampede."

You actually seem like a human being right now, not a blobfish or robot for once.

"And Mongoose?"

"A mongoose is incredibly protective when attacked or provoked."

"And that ray of sunshine is that way?"

"My first dog was like that; he looks just like her, so I named him Mongoose Junior or MJ, but I usually call him by his namesake."

"That sounds like a story that would be inter—"

"I'm sorry, but it's not a story I'll be sharing anytime soon," Kang Il says firmly.

Well, that went south quickly. Just when you seemed like you weren't such an ass, you get overly defensive again.

His phone beeps, signaling an alarm of sorts. He quickly calms his phone and looks back at me.

"I need to go and check on something; can I get you a water or something?"

"I'm fine, thank you."

He nods, "Feel free to let Turtle out. It's good for her to socialize with someone new and you can get some photos of her before Rhino becomes an attention hog."

"Why do you keep their kennels in here?" I ask suddenly.

Kang Il blushes and I cock an eyebrow at his sudden sheepishness.

"I don't like to work out alone, but they get tired, so I thought I'd put beds in here, that way they'd be comfy. They usually sleep in my room."

"I see."

"I have to go, but I'll come back with some water."

"I don't—"

Before I can protest, he disappears once again and I'm left with two dogs in his, one snoring gently and the other beginning to whine as she waits at the door to be let out.

I let out a huff before squatting down and letting Turtle out of her cage. She slowly meanders out and I realize that she's much smaller than any other bulldog I had seen before.

"Oh you're so tiny..." I coo as I sit down and offer my hand once again. She sniffs it and licks it.

"Tae Men, we need you!"

"Would you like to stay here or come with me?" I mumble. I exit the room and she follows behind as a slow saunter, keeping an eye on the others.

"Where's Kang Il? I wanted to grab some shots of him in his garden. He said he was going to grab you and then disappeared."

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