Taylor: Jax is dead...*Everyone froze and looked at her*

Clay: What did you just say?

Taylor: Jax is dead...*Gemma stood up*

Gemma: The hell did you just say!

Taylor: He...Jax uh...*Taylor broke and fell to her knees. Taylor held her stomach and sobbed deeply. Eric bent down, wrapped his arms around her and Taylor held onto him. She not only lost her husband but her child and the pain was too much to bare. Eric held her and she couldn't bring herself to stand*

Eric: There was an incident.

Gemma: What type of incident!?

Eric: Jax...Jax was murdered...*Jax sighed as he watched. Gemma gasped and grabbed her chest*

Gemma: Where...Where is my son?

Clay: Gemma...*Taylor snapped, ran for Clay and grabbed his throat. Eric tried to pull her back but Taylor was running on fumes*

Taylor: This is your fault! My husband is dead because of your own personal gain! You will pay for this! DO YOU HEAR ME!

Eric: Love...*Eric pulled her arm and she yanked off him. Taylor growled loudly in Clay's face and made her eyes glow*

Gemma: I knew it. I knew that eventually him being with you would only get him killed.

Taylor: Excuse me?...*Gemma slapped Taylor and Taylor hissed her fangs. Eric grabbed both of her arms and pulled her back. He knew she was about to kill everyone and would do it without thinking twice*

Jax: BOTH OF YOU STOP!...*Jax yelled but nothing would fix it. Even if they could hear him...He had to watch his family fall apart and it was all because of Clay. Taylor struggled in Eric's grip and the guys watched as her eyes glowed*

Taylor: I will rip you to shreds! He was my husband and I LOST HIM!

Gemma: WHERE IS HE!....*Eric let go of Taylor as her body snapped and she yelled in pain*

Eric: Outside now!

Clay: Is...Is she turning?

Opie: Thought wolves needed a full moon to do so?

Eric: When something tragic happens...Wolves...They turn and have no control of it. Usually don't remember the shift...Jax is at the house if you wish to see him.

Opie: Let's go...*They left and Clay stayed behind for a little*

Clay: I thought I told you Taylor!?

Tristan: Well...Your step son threatened me.

Clay: Do you know how this is going to look when they find out!? My hands have to stay clean!

Tristan: And they are Mr. Morrow. I told you I want the kids and to get to the kids...You have to...Have some collateral damage.

Bonnie: This was Clay...Not Esther?

Jax: Taylor was right...Clay as a vampire...

Bonnie: He'll stop at nothing...

Gemma: Where is he?

Pam: Downstairs...*The guys followed Gemma downstairs. Gemma broke down as she saw Jax*

Gemma: Not my baby...*Jax sighed at his mothers pain*

Jax: I'm okay mom.

Pam: Where is Taylor?

Eric: She...She uh...She had to shift. It was too much for her.

Pam: That's not good.

Gemma: Oh well...*Kelly raised an eyebrow*

A Vampire Life | Book 4Where stories live. Discover now