Chapter 27

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The three walked into the building and Kali shivered, trying to warm up a bit. Lila had her jacket tightly wrapped around herself but slowly let her grip loosen as she looked around at the ruined building. "Holy shit.." She gaped. "I was just here, how long was I bloody gone?"

Five glanced down at Kali and gave her a teasing smirk when he noticed she was shaking from the cold. "It's not even that cold, you big baby." He snickered.

"Pardon?! It's colder than a witches titties out here, im gonna freeze to death." She exaggerated, telepathically.

Five chuckled, "Wow, someones a tad dramatic."

She glared at him and he raised his hands in defence, walking a few steps away just in case she decided to punch him when he turned his back. She had a tendency to hit. Especially when he teased, it was payback.

Five stepped over some fallen chunks of rubble, nearly tripping. "Well, it seems the grandfather paradox is affecting everything. Even places out of time." He set down the briefcase and adjusted his cuff link.

"Is that even possible?" Lila questioned.

Kali took his moment of distraction as an opportunity and kicked the back of his knee, making his legs automatically buckle.

"AH-" He grabbed Kali's shoulder but she remained her ground with just a little stumble forward. Five, however, did not manage to stay on his feet, he went tumbling to the ground and landed on his knees and hands.

Lila thought this was absolutely hilarious as she doubled down and put her hands on her knees, laughing her ass off. "It looks like you're getting prepared to have anal sex!" She gasped out between her laughs.

Five quickly got to his feet and wiped the dust off his suit. He groaned in annoyance and turned his glare from Lila to Kali.

"Was that necessary?" He asked rhetorically.

Kali smiled mischievously and nodded aggressively. "Watch your back." She threatened, her smile growing.

He grumbled something under his breath and looked back at Lila who was now wiping tears out of her eyes. "Compose yourself." He demanded, unamused.

"That was fucking amazing." Lila defended, finally getting ahold of her laughter.

Kali nodded in agreement and Five just kept whispering profanities under his breath as he picked the briefcase back up. Kali ruffled his hair as he straightened to show that she was simply playing around and didn't mean to embarrass him or anything. He gave a slight smile to reassure her that he didn't really take offense. He would've been laughing his arse off on that floor right now if Lila wasn't there.

He dusted his suit off again and continued to answer Lila's question but Kali wasn't listening as a crumbling sound from the ceiling caught her attention. She stared up at it as a long crack spread across it, growing bigger and bigger. Eight slowly reached out and gently tugged her boyfriends sleeve. The rumbling grew louder and out of pure impulse she just yanked him backwards.

Five stumbled a couple steps back and at that exact second, the rest of the ceiling that was remaining above them, fell.

"Holy shit!" Lila and him exclaimed in sync.

He looked to Kali and smiled slightly, "Thanks, love. You're my hero." He teased. She playfully rolled her eyes but didn't let go of his sleeve, just in case she needed to save him again.

"We better get moving." Five spoke. "Kal and I will check the Infinite Switchboard."

Lila nodded, "I'll check Herb's office, I guess. Little cockroach would survive anything."

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