Chapter 25

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They parked the car outside the hotel and Kali shoved her MP3 player in her back pocket, slung her headphones around her neck, and dug through the little pile of dirt to find Bob. Once she found him, she pulled him out, placed him in her palm, and then grabbed the muddy dirt in the other hand.

She got out of the car last and Five opened the door for her, Klaus' book under his arm, "How's Bob doin'? Still alive?" She showed him the squirming worm with a slight nod and he grimaced. "Right, let's just get inside and tell the others about our approaching doom."

The three jogged into the hotel and luckily almost all their siblings were sitting at the bar, "Okay, gather round, people." Five spun around and scanned the room, "Where is- Where's every- Where's Luther?"

"Haven't seen him. "Allison muttered.

"Who knows." Diego shrugged as he and Viktor made their way over to the bar.

"Anybody know where- Okay, you know what? We got bigger problems to worry about right now." Five announced and opened the book up on the counter as everyone gathered around. Kali sat on a stool beside Five, grabbed an empty cup, poured the dirt in, and then dropped Bob in as well.

"Like what?" Allison questioned snarkily. Maybe your bitchy attitude? God, Kali really thought that her daughter dying would shut her up.

"This." Five pointed to the book and slowly flipped the pages for everyone to see.

"Who are they?" Viktor quizzed.

"These are our mothers." 

Klaus stopped Five before he flipped a page again and pointed to the picture of his mom, "That one's mine." He stated proudly.

"They're all dead." Five announced.  "They all died on the exact same day, October 1st, 1989."

"That's our birthday," Viktor muttered in confusion.

"Not anymore, it isn't. They all died before we were born."

Diego scoffed, "That's dumb. If we weren't born, how can we exist?"


"What are you saying?" Viktor questioned.

"I'm saying that when we jumped here, we created a time paradox. All right? Not just any paradox. This is the grandfather paradox."

"What the hell is a grandfather paradox?" Klaus asked.

Five sighed and Kali's elbow accidentally hit the glass that Bob was in, causing it to spill over. Bob crawled out and began wiggling his way over to Viktor.

"Why is there a worm in here?" Viktor questioned, backing away.

"Ugh, nasty!" Diego exclaimed, picked up the book as it was the closest thing to him, and raised it, attempting to squish it.

The book was half an inch above Bob when Kali's eyes turned blood red and the book was flung halfway across the room. Everyone turned to look at Kali in shock as her eyes quickly faded back to their original colour.

Five huffed, "Okay, new rule. If you see a worm around the hotel, don't kill it."

"Why?" Allison scoffed. "It's just a bug."

Klaus chuckled, "Because it's Kali's child and Five's the daddy."

Kali smiled proudly and Five pursed his lips in embarrassment, "Okay, not true-"

"You two are pretending a worm is your child?" Diego laughed. "Now that's just sad."

Kali's proud smirk left her face and she bit her lip, hurt by Diego's words. Five carefully picked up Bob, put the dirt back in the cup, and set him back in, deciding to ignore Diego's words. Kali was just having fun, and if she wanted him to be the father of her worm, he would do just that. As long as she's happy, he's happy.

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