Childhood (pt.6)

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(3rd person)

(They are 13)

All the Umbrella Academy students stood at the bottom of the stairs, except Vanya.

Vanya waited for her father to finish writing in his book and give the order to blow the whistle.

Five leaned closer to Kali, "Want me to blink us up to the top?"

She looked at him and nodded slightly, she was very uncomfortable being in such an enclosed space with her siblings.

When the whistle blew Five and Kali waited a moment so that they could be at the back and not get run over by their siblings, at around the second corner Five lightly grabbed Kali's sleeve and blinked them to the very top beside Vanya.

"That's not fair! Five and Eight cheated!" Diego called out.

"He adapted," Reginald said, not fazed that they did in fact, cheat.

(A few days later)

Diego sat in a chair getting a tattoo, he whimpered every once in a while.

Klaus held Allison close to him as they silently cried.

Luther, Ben, Five, and Kali all sat waiting for their tattoos.

Kali couldn't seem to get her eyes off the needle that pierced Diego's skin. She was shaking like a leaf in the wind.

"Eight" Five whispered.

Kali didn't look away from Diego though.

It was Luther's turn, it was over quicker than Kali wanted, then Ben walked up. Ben finished and next was Five's turn. Five kept his eyes on Kali who looked at his arm as if it was being cut off.

Five got up and stood next to Ben, but Kali didn't move.

"Number Eight," Their father called her.

She still didn't move.

Needle, painful, sharp, hard, aggressive, definitely not soft, uncomfortable, unbearable, stinging, touching her skin.

Kali shook more at the thoughts, "Number Eight if you do not obey we will force you to do this." Their father threatened.

She stayed in her spot staring at the chair.

"Very well" Their father sighed.

He walked towards her and grabbed her wrist harshly, she yelped and tried to pull away from the horrible feeling of his tight grasp.

Five blinked in front of their father and softly pushed Kali behind him, their father dropped her wrist and stared down at Five with his usual hard glare.

"I'll get her to do it" Five growled. ( *cough* Furry *cough cough*)

Five turned to Kali whose eyes were wide and had tears streaming down her face.

"Kal? You need to sit down, ok?"

She looked away from their father and into Fives eyes and shook her head aggressively.

"It'll be over soon, just don't look at it and ignore the pain." He informed.

"I'll let you trace my fingers" He bribed, knowing she could use that as a distraction.

She glanced at the chair and then nodded once.

He gave her a reassuring smile and she sat down, tears running freely again.

Five laid his hand down on the arm of the chair with his palm facing the roof, she began to trace the lines in his hands.

When the needle hit her arm her head snapped towards her wrist that was getting the tattoo, "Nope, look at me Kali, not the needle" He whispered.

Her tears began to fall faster and her eye color turned red but she looked back at Five's hand.

She made little shapes on his hand and traced the lines again.

Her eyes kept the red color when the tattoo was finished, "Good job, Kal" He whispered.

She looked up at him and her eyes faded to the beautiful light brown again.

Everyone stared at them in surprise, they thought surely that Kali would be forced to sit and blow stuff up.

Kali stood up and their father sent them back upstairs.

Five grabbed her headphones off his dresser and handed them to her.

She put them on her head and played the song she always played, 'September by Earth, Wind & Fire', she sat down on his bed and tapped her foot to the beat while looking around the room as if she's never been in it before.

Five watched her for a moment and sat beside her.

"Are you, ok?" He asked, he knew she was trying to distract herself from the pain.

She kept looking around the room as if she didn't hear him, he knew she could though.

"Lay down, I'll rub your back." He offered.

She looked at him this time, he thought she would accept his offer. He was wrong, she turned back to look at the room again.

He furrowed his eyebrows at her actions, she never let down his back rubs. The music stopped suddenly and she picked up the music player frantically.

The button was stuck but she kept pressing it. Five softly took it from her hands and pulled the button back out and the next song, 'Dancing Queen by ABBA' began to play.

Her foot tapping resumed and her head began to bop slightly. They sat in silence until her song was over and she took off the headphones and put them on his dresser.

She then lay down on the bed and her back faced Five, he knew when he asked before she just needed a moment to think things through and realize what was happening.

He scooted closer to her and began to rub her back, she nursed her wrist against her chest and closed her eyes at the feeling of Five's soft hands.

She didn't go to sleep like Five thought she did, she was still in too much shock to sleep.

After about 10 minutes he stopped rubbing her back and lay down beside her.

"Night Eight" He whispered before drifting off.


(Later that night)

Reginald sat at the end of Luther's bed watching him carefully as if he might care. But no, of course not. He stuck to circular stickers on the boy's head to track his brain waves and left to do it to the other children.

He was nearly finished, when he opened Eight's room, it was empty and he was furious.

He decided he would scold her later for being out of bed and headed down to Five's room. He carefully opened the door not to wake him and froze.

There lay Eight in Five's bed, Five had half of his body off the bed and Eight had practically the whole bed to herself as she laid on her back, wrist on her chest.

He resisted the urge to yell and scream at the two because then he would wake up the rest of the children and he wanted to get these brainwaves done.

He walked over and stuck the stickers on Five's face, then on Eights. She furrowed her brows in her sleep and shifted a bit but didn't wake up.

Reginald walked out of the room and to his office.

Each child had their brainwaves written down, when he reached Vanya hers went extremely fast.

He wrote that down quickly and changed the screen to Five and Eight. Fives were steady but Eights were faster than Vanya's were.

"Fascinating" He whispered.

(Word count: 1247)

AN: Ok people, I think this will be my last memory chapter.
But I'm very indecisive about things so don't expect it to be. I love writing these memories even if they are terrible, cringey, and dramatic but let me know if you want more cause I will gladly make more. Love you all <3

-ash :)

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