Season 2

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A flash of blue appeared in a alley way and a young girl fell out. Kali landed flat on her back, all the wind was knocked out of her and she felt a stinging sensation at the back of her head.

Number Eight groaned and rolled on her side to breath better, when she had enough strength she slowly sat up and brought a hand to her head, she winced and pulled away, her hand was stained with blood from her new wound.

The girl stood up and looked up at the portal waiting for her siblings, nobody else appeared and the portal closed. Kali looked around frantically, she was alone, in the dark alley way, no siblings, no Five, nobody.

She backed up and slid down the wall, putting her head in her hands and her knees to her chest she began to try and control her breathing, she couldn't have a panic attack, not here, not with nobody around to help her.

Just then she heard a door open and close and a man mumbling to himself, "God, this is stupid. I'm gonna get disintegrated or something. I can't just leave a kid out here though. No, no. Just go back inside. Nope, don't think like that Elliot. I won't do that, I can't."

She looked up and a was man walking towards her, she quickly stood up and swayed slightly, her ears began ringing and standing up that quickly did not help her headache.

"Hey, don't worry kid. I won't hurt you. I'm a nice guy. Please don't kill me." He said the last part quickly.

Every time he stepped closer she would take a shaky step back. "Kid, it's alright. Just come with me and I'll patch you up." He tried to reassure.

She stopped backing away, and he took slow steps towards her, "Just-Just come inside, alright?"

She looked him up and down and bit her lip, "I'm just trying to help you, kid"

She slowly nodded and followed him up the stairs and to the apartment. The man opened the door to his apartment and beckoned her in. She took hesitant steps into the room and didn't take her eyes off the man.

She was standing in the kitchen and there wasn't much to see, a stove, coffee pot, drawers and cupboards. The usual thing to have, but everything looked extremely... well, old timely. There was another doorway that seemed to lead into the living room. There was a couple couches and lamps in the room, with a whole bunch of equipment.

"I'll be right back." He told her. The man walked into the bathroom and got stuff to clean her cuts. When he arrived back he had bandages, hydrogen peroxide, cotton balls and a wet wash cloth. "Sit down at the table." She did as he said and sat down on one of the chairs.

He sat down across from her and put some peroxide on the cotton balls, he reached over to touch her face with it and she pushed her chair back so he couldn't reach her. "I won't hurt you, I'm just trying to clean your cuts." He told her. She knew that, but she wasn't gonna let a stranger just touch her face, even if she was bleeding out from the back of her head.

He stood up again and grabbed a small hand mirror and handed it to her, "Here, you do it." He offered. She looked at the man suspiciously and slowly grabbed it, she picked up the cotton balls and dabbed the small cuts on her face that Vanya had given her. She winced every time the cotton touched her face but continued on. Elliot was leaning back on his counter watching her closely as she cleaned her cuts.

When she finished she put the damp wash cloth to the back of her head and held it there. She looked around the room and her eyes locked on the calendar. She gaped at the sight, it read, October. 15, 1963. (Yes, three days after Vanya arrived)

She stood up and slowly walked towards it, she stared at it in shock, this couldn't be right. 1963? She turned to Elliot and whispered, "Where-Where am I?"

"Dallas, Texas... Why?"


She passed out.

(Words: 760)

AN: Hello, beautiful people! Okay, so yeah. This chapter really sucks, like I said earlier, I have the flu and it's currently 9am so I'm tired as fuck. Um, I think I'll just start writing the next chapter but don't expect it to be good. Anyways, love you all <3

(Edit: Oh, damn, I just realized I wrote this on October 15th lmao)

-ash :)

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