Chapter 4

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Kali and Five followed the doctor all night. It was now morning and Kali was starving, but she tried to ignore it because what they were doing was extremely important. The doctor walked out of his apartment complex with his dog.

The man set his dog in the back seat then sat in the driver seat, Five blinked Kali into the back seat and himself into the passenger.

The doctor turned around and screamed, "Oh, Jesus!"

Five pulled out a pocket knife and held it to the man's throat, "One chance. That's all you got. One chance to tell me exactly what happens in that lab." Five threatened.

"I-I manufacture prosthetic devices for fake patients. I bill the insurance companies and then sell them for cash on the black market."

"Including eyeballs?"

Kali got sidetracked like usual and began to pet the dog.

"yeah, they're my biggest seller. I mean, they sell like hot cakes. I-I've got a list, a waiting list, probably 20 buyers."

"So the serial number I told you..."

"Uh, could have already been bought. Yes, off- off the books."

Five sighed, "I needed that list, Lance. Names and numbers, and I need it now!"

"I don't have it. I mean, not on me. the only copy's in my safe at the lab."

"Well start the car, then. Cause we're going on a road trip."




. . .

All three of them got out of the car and towards the building, Five saw all of the smoke and began to run towards the building. Kali ran after him in a panic.

They stopped in front of the building and Kali formed a shield over Five just as it exploded. The two went flying backwards and her head crashed into the ground. She groaned and cradled her head. Her ears rang loudly, muting out all her surroundings.

She must have blacked out because the next thing she knew, Five was leaning over her, panic written all over his face. "Are you okay?" He exclaimed worriedly.

She sat up with a quiet whimper in pain and wiped her bloody nose that had formed when she was out. It took her a second to realize what Five had asked her but nodded after a second.

He sighed in relief and ran a hand through his messy hair. "Come on, lets go get that bag you wanted to use earlier."

Kali smirked and shakily got to her feet. Five carefully grabbed her sleeve, blinked them t the stolen van, snatched the duffle bag up, and blinked them to the local library.

He quickly scanned over the library, it was quite empty. That was good. He turned to look at Kali, "Okay, I'll go get some books. You find us a place to work." He ordered. She nodded and he handed her the duffle bag, the two parting their ways.

20 minutes later Five found her in an empty corner with a sharpie in hand and a half empty bottle of vodka beside her. He sighed and set all his books down in between them, grabbing the other sharie off the floor. They both began to work on equations after Five gave her a quick run over of what they needed to do. Five was surprised she picked it up so easily but it was also sort of expected. It was Kali after all, she was perfect.

Five grabbed a bottle of vodka and began to absolutely down it. When Kali looked over and seen him chugging it, she ripped it from his hands and glared at him.

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