Chapter 17

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Kali kept her head down and watched as she and Five's feet stepped in sync. They walked into a little lodge building where the board meeting was supposedly taking place at. Five stood in front of a woman that was making a sign, she had blond curly hair and an 80s style.

When the woman still didn't notice him he cleared his throat, "Excuse me."

The woman jumped and looked at the two, "Uff da! You snuck up on me there. If you're looking for the cookies, we don't put 'em out till 3:00." She informed.

Kali smiled at her feet, she could go for a cookie right about now. "I can hardly wait." Five mused. "Uh, do you happen to know where the Midwest Soybean Society is meeting?"

"Sure do." She pointed behind her at a hall. "Muskellunge Banquet Room. You looking for your mom? She in for the convention?"

Five seemed to spot something and pulled a dollar bill out of his pocket, "Hey, could I get some change?"

She took it, "Oh, sure, I'll just look in my purse." She told the two cheerfully.

Kali leaned forward and whispered in Five's ear, "That's a fanny pack, not a purse."

Five glanced at her and smiled, then turned his attention back to the woman who was muttering something about how much money she had, "Only a nickel and a couple of dimes. Oh! You... are... in... luck, mister." She said, placing the change in his hand.

Five thought for a second and chuckled softly, "You know, some say that the best luck is to die at the right time."

Kali's eyes widened and she grabbed his sleeve, tugging it lightly. He began walking away with Kali following quickly on his heels.

Five stopped in front of a vending machine, "What do you want, Kal?"

She was silent for a moment as she scanned over her options, "Fudge Nutter?"

"Yeah, sure." He agreed. He put the change in the vending machine and pressed the numbers for the chocolate bar. It began moving and right before it fell it got stuck. Five furrowed his brows and pressed the numbers again, still, nothing happened.

He started banging the side to try and get it to fall, Kali stared at the scene in front of her with her mouth hanging agape, pure confusion over why he was so aggravated over the chocolate bar she asked for.

He scoffed and kept trying the numbers, "Come on!" He grabbed the sides of the machine and began to shake it. "Stupid mother Fudge Nutter!" He yelled. He body slammed the poor thing a couple of times, "Fuckin' Fudge Nutter!"

He shook it some more than backed up and kicked the glass, it shattered and he realized what he did. Five put a hand to his neck and looked around uncomfortably. Kali walked past him and reached into the glass, she grabbed her chocolate bar and opened it. She looked at Five and gave him a small smile, the girl broke a small piece off and handed it to him.

He popped it in his mouth and turned around after muttering a small 'thanks'. He walked toward a cake and slid his finger along the side of it, he licked off his finger and looked at Kali. Her eyes widened and she turned a bright red, she looked to the ground and cleared her throat embarrassedly. What is wrong with her lately?

Five snatched an emergency axe off the wall and walked back to his original spot, adjusting the weapon. "Ready?"

Kali looked up and nodded. He licked his finger off one more time before walking into the room.

"Let's move on to article 17, please." AJ requested, from his spot at the end of the table.

Five and Kali stood in the doorway, Five with the axe raised over his shoulder and Kali with glowing red hands and eyes.

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