Chapter 137 Handsome Brother Xian

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On the day of receiving the certificate, Cen Ji got up early in the morning, and when He Lan woke up and opened the door to come out, he was in a daze.

"Who are you...?"

I saw a group of people standing in the living room downstairs, clothes on the sofa, and various makeup tools on the table, and Cen Ji, sitting in the middle as the protagonist, looked up when he heard the movement, "Are you hungry? There is something in the kitchen food."

He Lan: "..."

Jiang Ling came in from the large balcony on the first floor with a cup of coffee, and asked He Lan with a smile all over her face, "Do you want to do a simple look as well?"

He Lan originally wanted to say no, but then thought of the special day today, "Let's make one..."

After finishing the styling and taking the relevant documents to go out, Cen Ji held them all the way, nervous and vigilant, as if someone would come to snatch them halfway.

He Lan propped his arms on the edge of the car window, with a faint smile in his eyes.

Procedural questioning and inspection of the required documents, the staff looked amiable, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong, they took photos and stamped them. Cen Ji even brought wedding candy to others, but when he came out of the Civil Affairs Bureau, he was erratic after all. Squat on the steps and look back and forth at the red book in hand.

Damn it, He Lan is his from now on! legal!

"Are you going home?" He Lan asked.

Cen Ji came back to his senses, put the marriage certificate in his pocket at the speed of light, patted it twice with a sense of appropriateness, got up and said: "No, go directly to the hotel."

Cen Ji doesn't have any immediate family members anymore, but He Lan has some close relatives in Yudu, so he called out to join in the fun, as for friends from the business world, there are too many, talking about a simple meal, but the seats are still full hall.

He Lan was arranged to go upstairs to rest, and Cen Ji greeted the guests at the door.

It has to be said that people are in good spirits on happy occasions, and Cen Ji is very popular, and even uses the black wolf as a background board. Although the pheromone is not released, the passers-by are all shocked.

"It's crazy." Feng Jin got off the car and couldn't help sighing when he saw this scene.

Jiang Lan arrived at the same time as him. Standing by the car, he couldn't tell whether it was envy or some other emotion. After all, Feng Jin didn't have a pheromone entity, and he was probably thinking about what kind of place he would use to suppress the situation when he married Xiaoyu in the future.

"Hey? Jiang Lan." Feng Jin stepped forward and discussed, "When I get married, you can let the thorns weave a green arch behind me." Let's open some roses and see Jiang Lan's savvy and understanding. sincerity.

"Why, if you want to live a decent life, you must have a little green on your head? You have quite a unique taste."

Feng Jin: "...No need!"

Lu Xian and Xue Xunyu walked behind, discussing something.

"Happy Newly Married." Feng Jin said his congratulatory speech, then grabbed a handful of melon seeds, and was followed by Cen Ji's side.

Feng Jin: "?"

"You have to be my best man." Cen Ji said.

Feng Jin: "Didn't you find a best man group?! I'm here for a banquet."

[ABO rebirth] As a fine man, he has nothing to fearNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ