Chapter 64 Nesting Period

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It's not that Lu Xian is stupid, it's that his behavior will be out of control under the control of instinct, so that he didn't realize that except for Jiang Lan's suit, other clothes have been pulled out.

During the nesting period, most Omegas will choose soft and safe things to wrap themselves in. It is best to be contaminated with the pheromone of their own Alpha, and clothes are naturally the best choice.

Lu Xian was happy from the bottom of his heart at the moment.

Jiang Lan was worried that he would be shocked, but he was too cute, so he couldn't help but slowly stepped forward, and gently hugged Lu Xian from behind: "Baby, what are you doing?"

Lu Xian's body was shocked, and he blinked lightly, his mental power was withdrawn from a certain state of ease, and he gradually connected with reality.

Lu Xian looked around, then at his clothes, and fell silent.

How embarrassing.

"Brother, I..." Lu Xian didn't know how to explain.

Jiang Lan interrupted with a warm voice: "Is it enough? Is it enough? I'll ask Wang Heng to send some, and then add my pheromone?"

Lu Xian: "!"

I am very tempted.

"Can I have... pure cotton?" Lu Xian asked in a low voice.

Jiang Lan: "Yes!"

"Brother, don't you think it's weird?"

Jiang Lan shook his head lightly: "Some Omegas will build nests during pregnancy, it's perfectly normal."

Ah... Lu Xian is on the number one, and it's time for him to build a nest.

Jiang Lan lowered his eyes, and the well-proportioned young man was close to him. The shirt was wide, and he inevitably looked empty when he put it on, so the white collarbone went down, and the spring color was looming, and Jiang Lan's self-control collapsed instantly.

"Then when will Wang Heng deliver it?" Lu Xian was still asking.

Jiang Lan walked around to the front with one hand, and gently lifted Lu Xian's chin.

Lu Xian looked a little confused, "Brother?"

Jiang Lan leaned over, but Lu Xian couldn't raise his head to cooperate with him, and the clothes in his hands fell quickly.

thump thump——

Aunt Liu knocked on the door outside: "Mr. Jiang, Xiaoxian, it's time to eat."

Jiang Lan stopped his movements, moved away a little, and ended the kiss. He stroked the corners of Lu Xian's eyes with his thumb, then turned and walked towards the door.

Lu Xian pursed his lips, feeling a little disappointed.

"Aunt Liu, you eat first. Our meal is warming in the kitchen, so there's no need to wait."

Aunt Liu didn't ask too much: "Okay, then remember to eat."

The door closed again.

Jiang Lan turned around and saw that Lu Xian was staring at him, with dots of light floating in his eyes.

When Jiang Lan put the back of his head on the bed, Lu Xian's mouth was dry and his tongue was dry. He really racked his brains and finally caught a message left by reason, "Brother, you can't..."

"It's been three months, and the child is very healthy, what's wrong?" Jiang Lan's slender fingertips lifted Lu Xian's shirt collar, his eyes suddenly became greedy.

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