Chapter 84 Deep Interest

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Xu Zhi mentioned this in the group, and He Lan was there.

With a little thought, you can understand how Cen Ji knew.

But Lu Xian still wanted to sigh: "The business is really wide..."

The veins on Feng Jin's forehead throbbed wildly.

After a long while, he forcibly suppressed all his anger and looked at Jiang Lan.

Jiang Lan shook his head lightly, saying that I can't help it.

"President Feng's birthday?" Lin Haoyuan was not afraid of death: "Why are you so low-key? Let's go, I'll treat you to dinner."

Feng Jin almost squeezed out a sentence from between his teeth: "Do I need you?"

Lin Haoyuan smiled broadly: "To save face, let's go."

Feng Jin originally didn't want to give this face, these people spoiled his good deeds, but when he saw Lu Xian hugging Xue Xunyu's neck, and Xue Xunyu accompanied the smiling quail, Feng Jin was suddenly relieved.

Can't afford it.

Lin Haoyuan booked the private room before he came, so he can just drive there now.

"Xiao Xian?" Xue Xunyu stared at Lu Xian's face closely, and found that Jiyou's expression was normal, "Aren't you angry?"

"Why am I angry?" Lu Xian said, "I'll just ask you what you think."

"He told me about it for a long time before his birthday." Xue Xunyu explained, "Feng Jin's parents have passed away, and he hasn't had his birthday for several years. When I think about it, it's very pitiful."

Lu Xian thought to himself, it really is a bitter trick.

Thinking of this, he slightly turned his head to look at Feng Jin, Feng Jin noticed it, and immediately showed a stiff smile.

Lu Xian: "!"

Lu Xian couldn't help but sigh with emotion, thinking of the first time he saw Feng Jin, this person is really cool, he looks like he doesn't care about everything in the world.

Now it's because Xue Xunyu wants to please him.

"I don't care about your love life." Lu Xian said softly, "I just hope you won't be like me back then."

Jiang Lan almost stepped on the empty steps.

They have a low voice, but the high-end and top-end earphones are amazing.

"That won't be the case." Xue Xunyu was sure, "Feng Jin is really different from Jiang Lan."

Mr. Feng's sluggish walking posture suddenly stiffened, and he even looked sideways and glanced at Jiang Lan.

Jiang Lan: "?"

Feng Jin is not as calm as Jiang Lan, his liking is very clumsy, but because of this, it is convenient for Xue Xunyu to look past the appearance and see the true heart underneath.


"He may still have a life-saving filter for me, and it will be fine if it is gone."

Feng Jin listened quietly.

That's not a filter, it's an indescribable emotion that won't go away. On this basis, what develops is a solid, uncontrollable liking.

Feng Jin didn't realize until he arrived at the restaurant that these people had a conscience and wanted to celebrate his birthday seriously. The waiter also brought a bowl of longevity noodles, which was good, if there wasn't the ugly cake sent by Cen Ji next to him.

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