Chapter 16 Annoying

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Wang Heng didn't intend to eat at first, but he couldn't refuse Shang Lu Xian's smiling eyes.

How to describe it? The sincere joy in Omega is contagious, making Wang Heng feel that he needs someone to share with at this moment, even if the two of them don't say a word.

Coupled with his stomach growling in disbelief, after thinking for a while, Wang Heng agreed.

Wang Heng is familiar with this set of villas. After all, he often helped Mr. Jiang get things before, and his impression of Lu Xian stayed on "exquisite" and "ordinary".

Wang Heng loves to eat fish, so it was a coincidence that Lu Xian cooked a dish of sweet and sour fish today, which made Wang Heng's taste buds jump. He is an A-level Alpha. He is busy with work and eats a lot. He almost ate the whole fish. When he realized it, he looked at Lu Xian subconsciously, but saw the young man smiling happily with him.

Wang Heng's eyes were shaken by this smile.

He found out that Mr. Jiang's relationship with Lu Xian has eased recently, otherwise he wouldn't have bought so many clothes, and even asked him to take the pup that Lu Xian picked up for a physical examination.

"This meal is very comfortable." Wang Heng said honestly, the food in the restaurant outside was too heavy in MSG, and he was numb after eating it. "Thank you, ma'am."

Lu Xian was startled, it was the first time Wang Heng called him that.

There are still many things to do in the company. Wang Heng wanted to help clean up the dining table but Lu Xian refused to give up. He had already eaten, so he left in a hurry.

When Wang Heng arrived at the company, Jiang Lan had just finished a meeting. Although there was no special assistance, it didn't affect it, but it was somewhat lacking. Seeing him coming in, Jiang Lan asked casually, "Why is it taking so long?"

"I have urged Madam to take the medicine." Wang Heng said that he successfully completed the task. Even at this time, he did not catch any dangerous factors, but acted honestly, "Mr. Jiang, Madam's craftsmanship is really good!"

Jiang Lan flicked through the documents and raised his head, "What craft?"

"The skill of cooking!" Wang Heng has endless aftertaste, "Madam let me eat, the sweet and sour fish dish is really good, the restaurant with the best reputation opposite our company can't compare! There is also the braised pork ribs, which fall off the bone as soon as you bite, the meat is fragrant, and the stir-fried cauliflower..."

Wang Heng suddenly fell silent.

What's the matter? Mr. Jiang's expression remained unchanged, but the air around him became cold inch by inch. With his acuity of seven or eight years of groping, he finally sensed the danger coming.

"President Jiang?" Wang Heng paused, "Are you in a bad mood?"

"Do you know what I had for lunch?"

"What did you eat?"

"I didn't eat." Jiang Lan said softly.

Wang Heng sounded the alarm all over his body, shit! How could he make such a fatal mistake!

"Jiang, Jiang...Mr. Jiang." Wang Heng trembled, "I'm going to prepare lunch for you now."

"No need." Jiang Lan stood up, with a generous tone, "I'll go by myself." At the moment when Wang Heng relaxed his mind, he patted the pile of documents on the side, "These are all yours."

The tone was gentle enough to say, "I'm going to give you a year-end bonus."

Wang Heng: "..."

Just because of a meal? !

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