Chapter 12 Little Milk Dog

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It was snowing again.

After Lu Xian went out, he had a clear goal and ran to the back of the villa. He saw it clearly on the second floor just now. A dog limped and squeezed in through the hole in the corner, which was blocked by withered bushes. If it wasn't for this dog, Lu Xian would not have known there was a gap.

After entering, the dog hid under the decorative crane stone carving.

In fact, it is just a foothold that is bigger than a palm, and there is a cold wind everywhere except the top of the head.

Lu Xian approached cautiously, bent down, and saw a dog.

It's very thin, pure black, not very pleasing to the eye, showing timid eyes when it sees people, and frightens Lu Xian for a while, but when Lu Xian gets close, he backs away with a whimper, only then does Lu Xian realize that although he is as thin as a stick, he has a big belly.

going to give birth?

Lu Xian didn't think for a moment, then turned and ran back to the villa.

The snow flew up again in a big and presumptuous manner.

This time when Lu Xian came out, he took a cardboard box, inside which were some old clothes he didn't want, as well as water and food.

The snow was so thick that Lu Xian had a hard time walking. As soon as he got close to the dog, he rushed out from under the stone sculpture, shrank to the corner of the wall, and groaned in fear.

"I won't hit you." Lu Xian put the box under the stone carving, with the entrance facing the black dog, poured water, and arranged the food.

This is a very spiritual dog. Seeing that the fear in his eyes dissipated, he stuck out his tongue and licked it. After all, he was tempted by food, and he needed to replenish his energy too much.

Lu Xian squatted on the ground, watched the black dog gobble up, swept away all the food and water, finally lay down comfortably on the clothes, and barked at Lu Xian.

Lu Xianle laughed, and said to himself: "Jiang Lan doesn't like pets, so I can't take you home for the time being, but my relationship with him has eased recently, I can ask if you haven't left at night."

As soon as Lu Xian moved here alone, he had nothing to say to Wang Ma, so he wanted to raise a small animal, so he asked Jiang Lan, but that time when Jiang Lan was working, he said "I don't like pets", and Lu Xian dismissed the idea.

The tip of his nose was red from the cold, and Lu Xian couldn't stand it any longer, but the black dog, who lived in the open air, liked this little nest very much, and was already curled up and fell asleep.

Lu Xian went back to the villa, and just entered the living room, Wang Ma was cleaning the table when she saw him snorting through her nostrils.

Lu Xian pretended not to hear, and sneezed again.

Half an hour later, my throat started to hurt, what the fuck, Lu Xian thought to himself, but he was holding the hot water and looking at the cardboard box behind the villa.

The familiar aches and pains soon rushed to the limbs and bones, and the consciousness began to drowsy. Lu Xian was familiar with this, found cold medicine and took it himself, and then he couldn't resist the medicine, wrapped in a quilt and fell asleep. He coughed intermittently, and suddenly woke up after an unknown period of time.

Lu Xian endured the discomfort and got up, looked out the window, there was only an outline of the cardboard box, he opened the window, and the wind howled long and long, suddenly, Lu Xian's complexion changed slightly, he wrapped himself in a down jacket and rushed out again without thinking.

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