Chapter 38 Complete Mark

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Complete labeling represents that unless Omega removes glands, it will still be affected even if the non -human torture is washed away.

This is a way to determine the possession from the gene.

The soft meat around the dog's teeth can be accompanied by pain, but Lu Xian was weak and only realized that the slight itchy was ignited. His hand was caught unconsciously from the river, and his voice seemed to be crying: "Jiang Qian, love me."

"Okay." Jiang Lan laughed, and his voice promised: "I only like you in the future, only love you, and will love you more and more."

When the pheromone poured in madly, Lu Xian was white in front of Lu Xian, as if it was recovered back to chaos, and the original instinct occupied everything.

The rich tea fragrance hit the snow and snow, and then crossed the plain and rushed towards the vast sky. Lu Xian felt really flying.

Lu Xian slowly raised his hand and seemed to see the stamen, but he was really weak, and then the slender fingertips were gently held by Jiang Lan in the air and gently.

The pheromone in the room is getting rich.

... (You understand.)

When Lu Xian fans woke up, he deeply understood what was called "all of the brains". He tried to move his body, and then his toes were against the cool and slightly fluffy things. He also moved with this thing. Lu Xian first followed his relief, oh, thorns.

Lu Xian waited for the rest of the body to spread, and at the same time, the body and mind had changed dramatically.

Full label, also known as a lifetime mark. The pheromone of the top Alpha penetrates the body. Although tired, there is also an unspeakable comfort, feeling sinking healing, and every inch of blood is unable to say.

"Jiang Lan?" Lu Xian dumb, but the room was quiet, and the man didn't seem to be there.

The pheromone at the tip of the nose has returned to calmness, and it is no longer riots and out of control. Lu Xian let go of his heart, and said to the thorns, "Let the windows open, or the night?"

The green vine was withdrawn, the sun came in gentle, and Lu Xian was wearing Jiang Qian's clothes. He shrank inside and fell asleep again.

"Big Brother! Dad! Are you really okay?" At this moment, Lin Haoyuan stood outside ten meters, his face doubted, and he planned to run at any time.

Jiang Lan's expression was clear, and even showed a seemingly full foot, he heard the words picking his eyebrows, "I will beat you if you say such non -nutritious words."

"Are you still playing with me?" Lin Haoyuan was a little sad. Regardless of the medical staff on the side, he stunned his clothes up, and the bandage on the waist was particularly eye -catching. "Do you have less?!"

Jiang Lan was stunned, and then he was slightly positive: "Sorry."

"It's okay." Lin Haoyuan believed that Jiang Lan was awake. "What about Lu Xian?"

"In the room." Jiang took turns and looked at the medical staff: "Trouble you, do a check for my Omega."


Following the two medical staff, Lin Haoyuan followed Jiang Lan. The protruding on the wall still clearly reminded everyone how irritable Jiang Lan's susceptible period was. It was amazing that Lu Xian's pheromone was not so pure, but Jiang Lan calmed down in two nights.

Yeah, two nights, Jiang Qian was a little bit as a person.

咚 ——

Jiang Lan's lightly stabbed the door, as if some reminder, Lin Haoyuan didn't understand. What they didn't know was that Jiang Lan was informing the thorns and converging the form. It was best to purify the room air.

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