"Mrs., you eat slowly." The bodyguard's five -big three rough face was fierce, but he was very polite to speak to Xu Zhi. "We bought all the ingredients."

"Beautiful!" Xu Zhi patted his thigh: "Go back and let Lin Haoyuan give you a salary!"

"Thank you Mrs.!"

"His-" Lu Xian suddenly covered his arm and turned to look at Xue Xunyu: "What are you doing?"

"You will be a hidden big man in the future." Xue Xunxuan burst into tears: "Remember what we said before? Whoever gets rich first will bear the responsibility of the other party's pension. My for the rest of my life depends on you, and take me to experience the world of rich people."

Lu Xian was silent for a moment, and obviously he remembered this stubble. He patted Xue Xun's back of his hand, and he said with great heart.

The doctor told Lu Xian as much as possible to eat as little as possible. He started to control and eat the soup.

"Eat if you want to eat!" Xu Zhi encouraged: "Omega is not so fragile, and the mood is the first. Today we have eaten spicy, you haven't eaten, can you feel good?"

Lu Xian shook his head violently, and then grabbed a bunch of crispy bone fish balls. At the moment of stuffing his mouth, the saliva was secreted crazy, and life was heaven.

"What is the taste of small fish pheromone?" Xu Zhi had changed his nickname.

"Lime, how about you?"

"Strawberry ..." Xu Zhi frowned. "I always feel that this taste is too common." After that, he looked clear again, "But we can be called" Strawberry Calm Tea "!"

Lu Xian felt that the conversation was too naive: "Is there anything?"

"It sounds good." Xu Zhi also had a kind of innocence in the world, but exquisitely and clear.

Here Jiang didn't know everything that happened in the family. He stared at the executives with no expression on the front, almost making people burst into tears.

"Three percentage points have been reduced." Jiang Lan was inexplicably irritable. "I thought that the original point of last month was your limit. I never thought that you can break through the lower limit."

Wang Heng wiped the sweat of the forehead, and it was indeed President Jiang. There was a set of mockery.

"Come overtime." Jiang Lan had no room for discussing.

No one dared to speak in the conference room, and when Jiang took away, the chief financial officer watched Wang Heng: "Wang Tespe, last month was the peak of the passenger flow of the year last month.

"Speak a little!" Wang Heng reminded him that he hurriedly caught up, and he was curious. There was no reason for Jiang Lan's fire.

And when President Jiang left, he brought a slightly impatient pheromone. What's going on? In the impression, President Jiang's pheromone has always been peaceful and cold.

Jiang Lan was sitting in front of the desk, and the document did not look at it, but stared at the watch on the wall.

When I came to the company before I couldn't see Lu Xian, Jiang Lan could control it. Is it because ... because of the substantial progress last night? Not scientific, Jiang Lan's self -doubt, this has not been completely marked.

After finally cooking until four:30, Lin Haoyuan called and said that he would go to his house to pick up Xu Zhi. Jiang Lan asked him to drive and go back together.

Lu Xian did not expect that Jiang Lan was so early, so the door of the room opened the Kanto of the room to cook the taste, and the two people looked at each other.

Lin Haoyuan didn't mind: "How did the machine move?"

Jiang Lan stepped forward.

Lu Xian just bit a piece of fish cake and saw that Jiang took this action.

"Xiaoxian!" Jiang Lan saw that his mouth was full of red oil and blood pressure rose.

The fish cake was hot, and Lu Xian hurriedly bit the two and then swallowed it. As a result, he burned all the way from his throat to his stomach, and immediately lay on the sofa without talking.

Everyone was startled.

Lin Haoyuan: "Well! Don't you give it to eat?"

When the heat is calm, Lu Xian wipes his mouth: "cool!"

Jiang Lan: "..."

The author has something to say:

Jiang Lan: I started to regret it ...

Xu Zhi: Hee hee.

Rest assured, it's okay to eat it once, Jiang Lan is too nervous.

[ABO rebirth] As a fine man, he has nothing to fearDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora