Chapter 17

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After our plan worked out with Yumi and Dekisugi I thought it will put a strain on mine and Yumi's friendship but that girl never cease to surprise anyone not even me .

Today she approached me with a beaming smile, her eyes filled with excitement and gratitude.

"Nobita, I can't believe it! It was all so scary at first, but I met my secret admirer, and it's Dekisugi! Can you believe it? I had no idea he felt that way!"

I tried my best to mask my feelings of surprise and happiness for her. "Wow, Yumi, that's amazing! I'm really happy for you."

"I have you and Shizuka to thank for this," she said, giving me a warm hug. "You both pushed me to face my fears, and I'm so grateful. I never would have had the courage to go into that lab and meet Dekisugi otherwise."

Shizuka, who was standing nearby, joined in the conversation. "Yumi, you two make such a great couple! We're really happy for you both."

Yumi blushed, clearly pleased with our reactions. "Thank you both for being such wonderful friends. And Nobita, I hope you find someone special too, someday."

Her words tugged at my heartstrings, but I managed to smile and nod. "Yeah, someday."

As we spent more time together, Yumi and Dekisugi's relationship blossomed. They were often seen laughing and sharing sweet moments, and it was evident that they cared deeply for each other. Seeing them so happy together made me realize that sometimes you have to let go and allow the people you care about to find their own happiness, even if it meant confronting my own feelings.

Over time, I became genuinely content for them, and the strain I thought might exist in our friendship vanished completely. Yumi and I remained as close as ever, and she never found out about our involvement in the plan to bring them together. That was probably for the best.As the days passed, life returned to its usual rhythm. School went on, and we all prepared for the upcoming cultural festival. Our class decided to put up a haunted house attraction, and Yumi enthusiastically took charge of designing spooky elements for it.

On the day of the festival, the haunted house proved to be a great success. Yumi's creativity and efforts were applauded by everyone, including me. As I watched her enjoy the event with Dekisugi, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in the role I played in bringing them together.

The cultural festival marked a turning point for all of us. Yumi and Dekisugi's relationship continued to grow stronger, and they became an inseparable couple. Shizuka and I remained good friends with them, and we often spent time together, creating cherished memories.

As the school year came to an end, I grew closer to Shizuka . I felt the same type of spark I used to feel with her before I left . It made me happy and terrible at the same time . Whenever I think more about it I only remember what happened four years ago . Even though I now know it was not her fault about what happened four years ago . It still gave me chills.

I just don't want my heartbroken once again .

Maybe I wouldn't have realized about the lingering feelings left for her if that incident didn't happened three days ago.

Three days ago, something happened that stirred up those emotions. We were sitting together in the school library, going over some notes for our final exams. The atmosphere was calm and quiet, and the soft glow of the afternoon sun streamed through the windows, casting a warm hue over everything.

As we studied, I couldn't help but steal glances at Shizuka. Her serene expression and the way she focused on her work fascinated me. It was in these moments that I felt an inexplicable connection, as if we were two halves of the same puzzle, meant to fit together perfectly.

Lost in my thoughts, I accidentally knocked over a stack of papers, breaking the peaceful silence.

 "Sorry, Shizuka," I mumbled, feeling my cheeks flush with embarrassment.

She smiled warmly, "It's alright, Nobita. Accidents happen."

But the smile she gave me was different. It seemed like there was something unspoken in her eyes, a glimmer of understanding, perhaps even a hint of affection. I couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to this connection between us than just friendship.

As the days passed, I found myself overanalyzing every interaction we had, trying to decipher the true nature of our relationship. I wasn't sure if Shizuka felt the same way I did, and I was afraid to confront those feelings directly. The fear of being rejected or misunderstood weighed heavily on me.

The summer vacation was fast approaching, and our school days were numbered. I knew that I couldn't keep these feelings bottled up any longer. I needed to talk to Shizuka and share my thoughts and emotions with her. But finding the right moment and the courage to do so was proving to be a challenge.

One evening, during a class gathering at a local park, the sun dipped low on the horizon, casting a golden glow over everything. As I sat with Yumi and Dekisugi, I caught Shizuka's eye across the group. She smiled at me, her eyes gentle and inviting. It was a simple gesture, but it made my heart race.

Yumi nudged me playfully. "You two should take a walk together. It's such a beautiful evening."I blushed at the suggestion, feeling a mix of nervousness and excitement. "Uh, maybe we should," I stammered, trying to sound nonchalant.

Taking a deep breath, I mustered the courage to approach Shizuka. "Hey, do you want to take a walk with me?"

Her smile widened, and she nodded. "Sure, I'd love to."

As we strolled through the park, a sense of tranquility enveloped us. I decided it was now or never, and I finally opened up about my feelings. I told her about my fear of getting hurt again and how I was unsure if I was ready to take a chance on love.

To my surprise, Shizuka listened attentively and held my hand gently. "Nobita, I understand your concerns, and I appreciate you sharing your feelings with me. I want you to know that you're not alone in this. I've had my own doubts and worries too."

My heart skipped a beat as I looked into her eyes, searching for any sign of what she was feeling.She continued, "But I believe that sometimes, taking a risk is worth it. We can't let past experiences define our future. Let's take things slowly and see where this path leads us. No pressure, just two friends exploring the possibility of something more."

Her words resonated deeply with me, and a sense of relief washed over me. I realized that I didn't have to have all the answers right now. It was okay to embrace the uncertainty and allow our feelings to unfold naturally.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, I knew that this summer was going to be a transformative one. Our hearts were open to the possibilities of love, and no matter what the future held, I was grateful for the chance to explore it with Shizuka by my side.


[ Hey Readers! I know this was not the end you guys were expecting. Neither do I. Originally Nobita was not supposed to end up with any female character neither Yumi nor Shizuka. But on high demand of people he ended up with Shizuka. I know many of you might feel that ending was rushed. But , believe me it wasn't. This story was only supposed to be solely focus on Nobita's character and his development . ]

[There is definately going to be a volume 2 in future. ]

So stay tuned.

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