Chapter 8

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Mustering every will, he came out of his hiding spot and walked towards them. His puffy red eyes gave away a hint that he was crying, but they obviously thought it was because of Doraemon going back. But little did they know, in a short time two of the friends of theirs won't be with them anymore.

Nobita looks at them and breathed in and out, in an attempt to calm himself. Somehow, the courage he built up behind that fence vaporized as he faced them. Nobita' ability to speak lost in that moment. He looks at Doraemon who nodded, encouraging him to talk. But it didn't help much.

"I....I.." that's all came out of his mouth.

This time his friends was confused, sad and worried at the same time.

"Talk, Nobita. Just calm down." Dekisuki said in a comforting tone.

Dekisuki worried about him the most and came next to him and touched his shoulder. "You don't have to say it, Nobita." he said.

Nobita shook his head and kept trying but failed. He's really hurt. Like, it's not always you lose everything at once. He's still a child with a fragile heart.

"It's. Okay. We know you and Doraemon is so close than any of us. We all miss him. All we could do is send him back happily. Doraemon is not alone there, right? Sewashi, Dorami. He have everyone. So don't worry." he comforted.

"B... but..I don't have anyone." Came Nobita' croaked words.

"What do you mean? You have us." Gian almost shouted.

Nobita shook his head again and tears fell more and his sobs came out really loud and uncontrollable. Seeing this Doraemon decided to speak for him.

"May I say it?" He asked and Nobita nodded covering his face.  Others don't like seeing Nobita like this. It's totally different from any other time Nobita cried. This time he is broken.

"What's going on, Doraemon? Please. Why aren't you saying anything?" Gian asked.

"Please Doraemon. Tell us." Shizuka said.

Doraemon nodded and looks at them. "My reason to leave is..." He started and they had their full attention on him. The moment was intense. Neither of them was breathing, just holding it. The moment of truth. Here it is.

"Dad' company extending a branch outside Tokyo and he's being transferred. It's far away, real far. That's why, Nobita and mom is moving to a house near dad' company." Doraemon said. Atmosphere froze, and everything stopped around them. Like a lightning, news struck their heart really painfully. A pit formed in their stomach. The reality isn't digesting.



He came back to reality to see the rain raging outside. The horizon was dark and misty, giving it an eerie and mysterious touch. They already entered the city area and Nobita do remember him being around those roads. It's feels like eternity, he last saw the place. Nothing has changed much. Only the memories of this place feels old. He missed being here. At home.

"Turn right over there, and fourth house " Nobita heard his dad talking to the cab driver.

"We're here, Nobita." Tamako said.

Nobita nodded and Tamako saw small yet invisible smile on his face. Maybe, all he needed was to be back home and Tamako was happy about the slight change in his mood.

They arrived shortly after. All their stuff already got here and that made everything easy.

"Welcome, Nobi. I'm really happy you remembered our place." A old woman stood outside the house , holding an old traditional umbrella. Nobita and Tamako shared one umbrella and Nobi wore a raincoat jacket.

"Mrs. Sanada. It's good to see you after so long." Nobi said and looks back at Nobita and Tamako. "My wife Tamako. And my Son Nobita." He introduced them to the old lady who gave a warm welcoming smile.

"Tamko, I've told you about Mrs. Sanada before, right? I've been so close to them since my school days." Nobi asked.

Tamako nodded with smile. "Yes. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Introduction went fast and they entered the house, it was pretty big from suneo's house , he didn't accepted it. Nobita' glad they got a room updates. Just like when he was home. Reliving memories.

"Nobita, go take a shower. Tomorrow, you can walk around the place. The day after, your going to a new school." Tamako reminded him. Nobita knows all that. Police investigation took all the vacation and with few days of vacation left, they came back. It really sucks. He barely had time. Life is so unfair.

"I know. Stop saying it over and over again." He said a bit harshly. Well, he's always like this. Cold and distant.Tamako understands that.

Tomorrow gonna be fun. Nobita remember the way around and that means, he's seeing some important people of his life. Maybe not. He's not ready to face them again especially Shizuka after what happened. One thing was clear , the obvious feelings for her are faded now . It's strange though. Wanting to see someone for a long time but hesitant when the time has come.

Nobi Nobita, is now unpredictable and different. He changed.

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