Chapter 1

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Friendship, it is a thing that we had in our lives. No matter how close a friendship is, is still a friendship. We all have many friends. No matter what you do, don't even try to break friendship ties. Friendship advances to crush ( if the target gender is opposite of us).

Crush means a person who gives you butterflies and makes your heart beat faster. A person that you can't describe in a word, but multiple words. A person you can't get off your mind. Someone might have a crush on anyone. Even though if the difference. is like Earth and Sky. For example, is the crush of Nobita towards Shizuka. We can see if it's impossible for Nobita to get his love accepted by Shizuka. Of course, that isn't the case right here. Shizuka secretly likes Nobita very much, even though is like land and sky. Nobita is just a regular stupid, clumsy 12-year-old boy, is being liked by a beautiful, smart, famous, and studious girl called Shizuka. That might sound ridiculous, but love is love. Love didn't care about the appearance nor abilities of a person. But sometimes crush is accompanied and challenged by obliviousness. Shizuka is oblivious of Nobita's crush on her, and Nobita is oblivious about Shizuka's crush towards him.

Of course, if your crush breaks suddenly, it would be hurt right? Well, that is what happened to Nobita and Shizuka's relationship. Okay, it might be cured in just about a week if you are strong enough (I really don't know). But it's not the case here. Nobita and Shizuka relationship would not even cure itself out, without the help of forgetting it. Forgetting it is just making the memory hidden and not fully remove the memory. They can't forget it because Shizuka is Nobita's friend since they were 5 yrs old. Forgetting her would not been so easy. So it might be very exaggerating. Let's just jump right into the story then...

April 25th 2020

Nobita and his group of friends; Shizuka, Gian, Suneo and Dekisugi were now around 12 at the youngest and 13 years old at the Oldest, and they were in middle school first year . However, they hadn't changed a lot.

Shizuka hadn't gotten better at her violin playing skills. Gian still sang his songs in a very bad way. Suneo was still a spoiled rich kid, rubbing off whatever his parents bought him to them. Dekisugi still held the title of the smartest student in their school. Nobita on the other hand? He was now a professional guitar player in his neighbourhood. However, his academic skills...

"Great, Nobi-Kun; another zero!" the teacher said to Nobita after he called the boy to take his marked test paper. The older man was in a bad mood with his score, as seen by his fingers tapping against his folded arms.

"Ah, I..." Nobita started sheepishly, his shaking hand scratched the back of his neck, "Uhhh..."

"If you keep getting this score, you will never get your grades raised," the man went on, giving the boy a stern look.

"B..b...but I studied last night, sensei! It was just... I studied Math instead," Nobita explained, his face was red in embarrassment.

"There's no excuse Nobi-Kun, today's test is Japanese. Why would you study Math? Didn't you hear what I told you the day before? If only you focus on what I say, you will never study the wrong material," the man said to Nobita with a frown. He suspected this time the boy was telling the truth, despite having heard the same excuse for numerous occasions already.

"O... Okay, sensei."

"If you continue this habit of yours, you'll never get a good future. Just think about it for a moment, you'll become homeless and jobless. You'll never get your wife happy. If in the next test you are not improving at least 10 points, you can't advance to the next grade! Do you understand, Nobi-Kun?" the teacher scolded.

"Y-Yes... I understand, Sensei," Nobita said sadly. With a grunt, the man gave him his test paper and Nobita took it, trudging as he made his way back to his seat.

"Hahaha, Nobita got another zero!" Suneo grinned when the bespectacled boy passed by his place.

"Good luck facing your mom's wrath later on!" Gian added, stifling his laughter at poor Nobita.

"TAKESHI-SAN! SUNEO-SAN! Don't say such things to him," Shizuka yelled at the pair. She was quite known for taking Nobita's side in each situation where the latter got himself into trouble. "You should try to support him instead."

"Whoops. Alright, Shizuka-chan," Gian said, followed by Suneo. Still, they giggled for a while before talking about the new test.

"It's okay, Nobita-san. You just need to study harder. Try to do well in the next one, OK?" Shizuka said, glancing to Nobita that sat behind her.

They held eye contact for a moment before Nobita broke it staring at the number zero on his test paper with a guilty look.

"I'll try..."

At the Nobi Residence later on:

"I'm home!" Nobita called as he swung open the front door and put off his shoes.

"Welcome home, Nobita," his mother, Tamako replied from the living room.

With a sigh, Nobita climbed up the stairs with heavy steps. The weight of his test paper from earlier was causing him to feel awful.

Please don't ask me about the test.

Please don't ask me about it...

Please don't ask me about it......

"Nobita! How's the test going?" His mom called and Nobita froze in the middle of the stairs, eyes widened in terror. That was pretty much the last thing Nobita wanted to hear after school.

"Oh, Crap!"

"Uh... Um... T-the test is just fine..." he started, followed by a completely made up grin.

"Really? Can I see your result?" His mom queried. From her tone, he could sense the smile in her voice.

"Uhhh...Ummm...Hhhhhhhhhh. OK, Mama..." Nobita said, defeated by his guilt to her. 'There you go Nobita, get ready to get scolded by your mother again,' he thought as he steeled himself to survive through the ordeal.

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