"Nope, I swear."

"You shouldn't swear. We have a kid out here." Chino smirked. "Oscarito."

Mateo looked at his younger cousin; his perfectly combed hair, grey shirt, big brown eyes, clear skin, and khaki shorts, a blank slate, waiting for someone to make an impression on him, and drag him into the real world.

Through the dirt.

"Yes, and so? He made the choice to come out here. He obviously wants to be a part of it."

"He's only ten."

"So? He's learning, aren't you?"

Oscar nodded and smiled at Mateo. "I can do long multiplication now."

"Very good. You're in a smart class?"

"Very smart." Oscar joked. "We also have a pet called Rudy, he's a smart rat."

"A lab rat?"

Oscar shook his head. "Just a regular one. He knows when he gets his snacks, and he really likes me. I looked after him for the weekend."

"Good." Mateo ruffled Oscar's hair. "You're learning responsibility."

Chino glared at Mateo. "Don't you dare."

"Don't I dare what? I'm just asking him questions." Mateo shrugged. "He's a good kid."

"I know what you're doing, and you deserve what you get, Mariposa."

Mateo looked down at his cast, at the badly drawn butterfly that Ricky drew towards the middle. He smirked and then looked up at Chino again. "My wings are still drying."

"Watch where you go when you start to fly. That's my advice."

Mateo nodded as he put out his cigarette. "I will, thanks."


They finished up their mole; a special version made for Thanksgiving, and pumpkin empanadas, along with ceviche rice, and a side of elotitos with bacon, Sr's twist on a traditional Mexican dinner.

For dessert, there was flan, and churros, along with coffee and hot chocolate.

It was a nice meal.

Afterward, Mateo brought Jay into his room, and they watched Boulevard Heights.

"Ricky loves this movie," Mateo said.

Jay laughed. "He made me watch it on a sleepover once."

"Same–I'm sorry if it seems like I've been ignoring you–I haven't. I've been busy with life, and school." Mateo admitted. "I know we haven't been hanging like we usually do, but we can chill around Christmas, or something."

Jay nodded. "It's alright, I've been busy too, with school."

"Yeah, I'm trying to be more responsible. When I get this stupid cast off, I am gonna study even harder, and do a lot of study sessions with Ricky."

Jay raised his eyebrow. "Do you like Ricky or something?"

Mateo paused for a second, to articulate his thoughts:

Like, like, or enjoy like? I have no idea. But he did look nice at the dance...

He shook his head. "At the beginning of the school year, we made this pact–well near the beginning–that we would help each other out. I'm helping Ricky with Art, and Drama, and he's helping me with Science and Sports."

"How's that going?"

"Good. I'm getting my place back in the play soon and I'm excited. I'm also excited to be able to play soccer again, soccer is fun." Mateo grinned. "It's one of the only sports I can play well cause you have to run fast and don't get knocked out."

Jay laughed. "You are a little butterfly."

Mateo growled. "Why do people call me that?"

"Because you're a free spirit, and–"

"--I'm effeminate?" Mateo hissed. "Yes, I am a bit. You know what? I am who I am, and that's how I am. I don't care."

"I was gonna say colorful. You have a good personality, and any lady you meet would be lucky to have you. Not every man is going to be masculine."

Mateo sighed. "Alright, okay." He looked at Jay. "Can you go out for a moment, please? I need a moment to myself."

Jay nodded and he got up from the bed. "Sure."

"Please close the door, too."

Jay closed the door behind himself.

Mateo turned off the TV and threw the remote onto his desk. He let out a groan and flopped onto his bed. He pulled the cover over himself and pulled out his Walkman from under his pillow. He put in one of his mixtapes and put in the earphones.

He started to tear up as he thought:

What if I really do end up dying over liking the 'wrong person'?

Electric Tacos (Wattys 2023)Where stories live. Discover now