"Ok makes sense." I shrugged my shoulders as we walked outside into the hot ass summer heat.

"I know that ain't big head ahh Kelly." I heard after a few minutes

"P!" I yelled as he engulfed me into a hug

"How you been?" He asked releasing me from the hug.

"Maaaannn just trynna make it, you got muscles now huh? and facial hair?" I touched his arm to prove my point.

"Well I mean you know how I do." He flexed

"Ok now that you done being ugly can you help us with this stuff?" Jonica snorted from behind me.

"We got the same face dummy so if I'm ugly what that make you?" He threw right back

"I see ya'll haven't changed a bit." I laughed unlocking the truck so we could get inside.

Everyone grabbed a box taking it upstairs, several trips later we finally had everything loaded inside. We sat on the floor in my living room drinking wine out of plastic cups.

"It would be you that wouldn't be able to find the glasses but you cam find the drinky drink."Jonica joked.

"Well I meeeaann." I shrugged my shoulders

"Aye don't worry about furniture I know Mark who works at that store on 31st he got the hook up." P nodded looking up from his phone.

"So have either of you seen my mom I mean since I left?" I asked curiously

They looked between each other and then back at me.


"Look Kell shortly after you left ya moms got evicted and shortly after that..." His voice trailed off

"Will someone just spit it out." I demanded

"You know Ace still sell work right? Well he had us go to one of the crack house to collect some money and ya mom was in there all highed up but that was a few months back we may see her walking the streets over there on the south but that's it." Jonica blurted out.

"The south? That's where the prostitutes be at." I stated looking at both of them

P just shrugged his shoulders.

"I have to go get her put her in rehab or something." I jumped up

"Wait wait we don't know if that's where she's at right now but even if she is that's a dangerous area to be in a night just wait until the morning, then I can even show you where the crack house is ight." P tried to calm me down.

I almost declined his offer until I realized I still had the U-haul out front so I had no choice but to agree. For now.

"Fine." I gave in

"Now that's settled P you trynna roll up?" Jonica looked at her brother

"Always but I left my shit in the crib." He sucked his teeth

"Now why would you do that?" I asked

"Ya'll said come outside I didn't know for what?"

"Ok look Kelly grab the glasses and I'll take the bottom we can continue this downstairs cuz I love you but this floor is making my ass hurt." Jonica laughed stretching as she got up.

I obliged following them out the door making sure to lock it behind me. The next few hours was filled with us laughing and catching up, I still hadn't seen Ace or Kevin but I did just get here.

"Imma turn in it's getting kinda late." I glanced at my phone seeing it was a little past midnight

"You need me to walk you up?" P asked

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