Truths Are Revealed: Part 2

Start from the beginning

"But what about the girl he was with."

"What girl?" Xavier asked.

"Tiffany. She came wondering into my pack and she was looking for him. She even went along with his story saying you were abusing Ariana and her children."

"Tiffany. That Bitch." Xavier growled.

"Who is she?" He asked.

"Tiffany is an ex girlfriend of mine. She hates Ariana and our children. She wanted us to be together and for us to run the pack together. When she couldn't get her way she clearly had to find away to get back at me."

"She was really convincing." Evan said.

"I bet she was." Xavier snarled.

"I am really sorry about all of this, truly." Evan said.

"Next time, don't be so easily influenced." Xavier hissed.

"You have every right to be mad. I apologise. I need to go and sort all this out. No one will be coming after you or your family. I will make sure of that."

"Thank you." I said.

"I wish we could have met on better circumstances." Evan said as he got up and left.

We left also. I am glad this was all over. I hope it was anyway.

Evan POV:

That damn dirty liar. How could he lie about such things? I was beyond pissed.

I stormed back into the house and demanded I saw Stephan. I asked my guards to go put Tiffany in a cell. Stephen was mine.

He entered my office looked so smug.

"You wanted to see me, Alpha." He asked.

"Don't play dumb with me. I know you and Tiffany have been lying the whole time." I snarled.

"I don't know what you are talking about?"

"Stop lying. I know that Ariana isn't your mate and those are not your children."

"And how would you know that?"

"I met with them today and they told me all about you and all your lies."

"You met with them." He yelled.

"I did and they told me everything."

"Fine. You caught me. She isn't my mate and them brats aren't my kids." He growled.

"So why did you lie?" I hissed.

"I lied because they are the reason I lost everything, my pack, my home and my title." He snapped.

"The same home and pack, you burned down."

"I bet they told you that too. No ones knows about that so they must have a little mole. I'll find them and I will kill them."

"You won't be doing anything to anyone. Haven't you caused enough pain." I said.

"I don't think I have caused enough." He smiled.

"You are digusting."

"I know. I have been told."

"The things you have done to people. Your poor mate."

"What do you know about my mate?" He snapped.

"I know you used beat her, torture her. I know you made her watch as you killed the person she loved and then you killed her. Tell me what did you do with her?"

"She was supposed to love me, have kids with me, BE WITH ME." He screamed.

"Are you being serious? You hurt her, and killed her."

"Ariana is just like her but she will see. They all will."

"You won't be doing anything. You will be locked up for a very long time."

"I don't think so Evan." He smiled.

Stephen got up to leave and I grabbed him. We started to fight. I managed to get the upperhand. I punched him over and over again.

"You will not hurt another person ever again. Do you hear me?" I screamed.

"That's where you are wrong." He smiled.

Stephen POV:

I grabbed my pocket knife from my jeans and I stabbed him in the side.

He stumbled back.

"I told you. No one ever listens to me." I said as I stabbed him again.

"Stephen stop." Evan begged.

"Oh. Now you want my help, have you forgotten I don't help anyone." I smiled as I stabbed him again.

"HELP." He said faintly.

"No one is coming to help you. This pack is mine now. It is a shame that things had to end this way. You should have just minded your business and maybe you would have lived longer. Time for you to go now." I said as I slit his throat.

I got up and walked out of the room. The pack members looked at me in horror.

"Everyone gather around, I have some good news. I am your new Alpha. Aren't you guys a lucky bunch. Anyway we have to push our plans a little bit forward now. So I want you all ready and if either of you disobey me. You will meet the same fate as your precious Alpha. Do you understand?"

"Yes Alpha." They said in unison

"Good, we all on the same page." I smiled.

I walked away and headed to my room.

Ariana you really thought that you could beat me. I like that you tried but I am still coming, soon you will be with my precious Sienna.

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