19# - Drunk Chara

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"And that's how I killed Mettaton, the fish warrior, and the crazy spider! Don't you realize that it's funny as fuck how all that happened in such a short period of time! Geez Burger Freak, could you pleaseeeeeeee get me another pint of beer." Chara wobbled drunkenly to this weird ass knockoff McDonalds worker.

"Ah, Burger Freak is it? After I've been serving you this well, you can't afford yourself to call me by a different name? Why do I always get the worst customers?"

"Don't complaaaaaain, you're still getting paid."

"Paid in what? You don't have anything to give me in return. I'm basically a hostage at this point! Isn't that funny?"

"Hmh, I guess you kinda make sense."

"You can always show me a little bit of your cleavage. That's how usually girls your age return the favor."

"Oh listen up you pervert! Try mentioning that again, and I'll slit your throat." Chara pulled him by his shirt while saying all of that. She was so drunk that she was spitting like a maniac while shouting at him, but fortunately for him, she left him alone soon afterwards.

"Anywaaaaaaaays, where's that beer, Burger Freak?"

"Here, here! Give me a second." And then he left to the kitchen.

"Tell me Violetta, why do you always have to narrate everything happening around us two? Can't you just shut up for once? Is it that hard to have your mouth shut?"

"I think it would be more appropriate for you to answer the latter part of your question."

"Oh you little bitch! You will see, you will see."

"See what?"

"THIS!" Then she took the plastic fork from the cutlery and stabbed our hand!

"What are you doing? That didn't even hurt. You petty idiot."

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. You'll seeeeee." Then she took the plastic knife from the cutlery and started cutting our veins?

What is this girl even thinking about?

"Here's your beer madam- What?!" Even the Burger Freak was surprised.

"What is your problem? Don't you see I'm kinda busy at the moment?"

"I can't afford to lose you! You're too valuable as a customer." Then he took the plastic knife out of our hands, throwing it in the garbage.

"Woooooow, am I so valuable to you?" Chara tilted her head towards him.

"No. I just don't want you to scare our other customers."

"Oh you fucker!" Chara then chugged half of the beer found in the pint, and then she threw it at Burger Freak.

Burger Freak dodged it, so instead of hitting him, it hit the fryer behind him, which broke it apart in so many pieces. Some of the glass pieces probably injured Burger Freak, but as soon as she heard him literally scream at the top of his lungs, Chara just got up from the chair and immediately started running towards the toilet, tripping and falling at least a few times before finally making it to the closest female stall.

"Oh no! Please don't do what I think you'll do Chara!"

And then she started puking into the toilet all the beer she drank - only if there was someone to hold our hair while puking!

Now everything is going to be messy......

How will we have our perfect victory with such a ruined appearance.......




And then more and more vomit left my mouth, and sometimes nose at the same time...

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