Chapter 62 Running.

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"Dottore a saint!? Now that's hard to believe!" Paimon yelled in shock as Venti nodded petting Zhongli as he laid on the floor.

"Then I assume normal medicine won't have any effect on him." Aether said "that's incrediblely worrisome.." he had a look of concern on him as he watched the dragon lay on the floor with its eyes closed seemly in pain.

"Don't worry Zhongli!" Venti said reassuringly to the Geo Archon as he laid on the floor "our Grace will be back soon!! You hang in there!" Venti said as he turned to run off to find you but was stopped by Albedo stepping infront of him blocking his path. "Hey! Move-"

"You are not leaving him here on the ground and expecting us to carry him to a room right?" Albedo said crossing his arms.

"Eheh..." Venti said laughing to himself having been caught. "You can manage!" Venti yelled as he disappeared in a gust of wind.

"Of course he would" Diluc said carrying Razor in his arms. Then left to get his son treated with Bennett closely following.

"I'll help!" Childe said running over having heard the small conversation.

"Childe! Where have you been!?" Paimon yelled.

"I was in the dungeon.. ah but that's besides the point! Zhongli needs to be taken somewhere to rest!" Childe said as he walked over to the dragon. "After all. Us Archons need to stay together!" He said with a smile.

"Tch.." Scaramouche said looking to the side. "Must you rub it in?" He questioned.

"Of course! My grace granted me this position so you bet I'm going to brag it all o can!" Childe said looking proud. "Guess you can say. I'm the favorite Archon since she made me the Cyro-" Childe was cut short due to the weaken Archon of Geo sudden movement which knocked Childe down to the ground making him hit his head "Oww my head!"

"Ah Childe.." Paimon said crossing her arms "you been with us how long now? And you still don't know not to say that? Not to mention infront of Zhongli too."

"I thought he was too weak to move.." Childe said getting up and rubbing his head.

Scaramouche watched in silence. His hands tightened in fists while Childe bragged of how you made him into an Archon. He felt disgusted at the fact Childe had that spot. He who was the lowest rank Harbinger suddenly becoming the ruler of the nation. It made him feel sick to his stomach. Unable to stand it anymore he turned and walked away.

He went back to the doors where just behind is your aunt working. A smile came onto his face once remembering the plans you set in motion. His smile growing as the more he thought about it. Out of everyone you seemed to be the one who genuinely cared for him. Granted your not the best in showing it but none the less did what you could.

Looking at the view the balcony he was on offered he recalled the first time you two met. It was in the fog. You just healed the golden wolfking and was tired, full of bite marks yet still standing. He recalled you calling out to your group shortly before he attacked you and took you away. Later to lock you in a cage as if you were some animal. He remembered you looking so weak but still you spoke to him.

He had to admit at first he didn't care for you at first. He thought as a creator you were going to be like his own creator. Still he left to slaughter the group he was in and accepted your offer. He was planning on leaving anyways so he thought might as well give it a chance. Seeing how weak you were he figured he could kill you should you wrong him.

But he didn't. The more time passed by and the more he watched you from the distance he really saw you in a different like. Your the grand creator the one strongest yet you didn't show it off. If anything it looked you were still discovering things yourself. It reminded him of himself when he was still nothing but an innocent puppet curious about the world.

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