Chapter 2 Rules.

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Paimon woke up and saw she was next to you. Your friend ended up the edge of the bed. Noticing it was still dark out she turned to you and snuggled into you happy and went back to sleep thinking it was still night.


She opened her eyes she wasn't tired at all so she sat up and got of bed without waking you and went to the living room where she saw the rest of the guys.

"Looks like Paimon not the only one who can't sleep" she said.

"We slept for a long time and it's still night?" Kaeya asked looking out the window.

"..could be it this what my grace means by 'eight hours?'" Albedo questioned. "We sleep that amount but it seems here time is much slower." He looked at the clock. That read 10:46 when we settled into bed. And now it reads 2:58.. which means only four hours have passed here." He thought as the others looks among themselves.

"So by that calculation.." Diluc said "four hours here is a whole night for us."

"Yes which means by that logic. 8 hours here is a day for us. However I'm not certain how long a day is here. But if it's equal amount to ours then 8 hours here is a full 24 hours with us." Albedo concluded.

"Which means we must be mindful and not wake up my grace as she needs her rest" Zhongli said looking around as he finished cleaning up his area putting the blankets on the couch. "Most importantly not touch anything." He said.


You woke up to see Paimon missing and your friend. You quickly sat up and get out of bed to see your bf on the floor asleep. You remembered she tends to roll in her sleep. Dumping the blanket on her you went over to check on your guests. You found them in the living room talking amongst each other. Thankfully everything was intact.

"Morning everyone" you said yawning. You definitely weren't a morning person as Paimon went over to you happy and hug you.

"Morning!" She said happy. "Did you sleep well?? You nodded amused at her cheerful attitude.

"I slept well" you said sleepy happy. There was nothing like sleeping in your own bed. You turned to see the guys and noticed how they were staring. "... Morning to you guys too I guess" you said snapping them out if it.

"Good morning my grace" Zhongli said as he got up and hugged you close. "I'm happy to see you rested well. But it seems you still want more sleep. Go ahead and keep sleeping" he said gently.

"Rest assured my grace I'll make sure nothing happens" Xiao said.

"Need a tune to lull you to sleep my grace?" Venti asked happy.

"As much I like the idea unfortunately I have things to do." You said getting out of Zhongli's hold.

"Oh anything we can help with?" Kaeya offered.

"Let me get dressed. Then we will talk." You said as you went back to your room.

"Did you see that??" Childe said smiling red. "She had bed hair!" He said happy.

"So cute" Aether agreed happy.

"She was still warm" Zhongli said happy recalling the feeling of hugging you.

"Yes yes we all agree our grace was most adorable. But let's focus" Kaeya said as they looked at him. "Our grace needs rest yet she has things to do. So let's do our best to finish such tasks so she can rest more."

"That is true. The sooner she rest the more quickly we can return home. Remember the time difference we don't want to stay too long." Albedo said.

You were getting ready in your room and finished as you went to your bf waking her up. She woke up as you told her to get ready and she did quickly. Today you had a lot planned. Once you two were ready you headed down.

"Ok guys listen up. There much to explain on what to do while your here while we find a way back." They nodded and listen. "Good. Rule one. Don't use your powers. Unless it's an emergency. Rule two. If it looks dangerous leave it. Rule three. Avoid as much contact with everyone outside this house. Rule four. If something catches your eye tell me or bf/n. We will tell you if it's ok or not. And last and not least rule 5. Do not I repeat. Do not tell them anything about my being your grace or of the such. Instead you will call me Y/n when in public.

"But my grace how can we call you by your name?" Zhongli stepped up.

"You have to otherwise you will get attention. I want us to all lay down while we're here. It's nothing like you know. It's dangerous here." You told him. "Besides I don't mind you calling me by my name"

"..Y/n" Aether said as you looked at him.

"Yes?" You replied. He looked down red. He had to admit it felt nice calling you by your name. "See wasn't hard." You said amused.

"Very well my- Y/n.." Zhongli said red from calling you.


"What do you mean you lost sight of him?" A female voice said angry. "I gave you one task. To keep an eye on my brother." The blonde female looked at the abyss mage angry "and your telling me you lost him?"

"I'm sorry my princess" the mage answered nervously "he simply vanished. Last we saw of him was shortly after the battle in the Cryos Archons castle."

"That creator.. what is she up to? She must be planning something. Something that she needs him for." She said as she got up from her seat. "get a team ready. I'm going to look for him myself"


"No don't touch that! I said I got it!" You said.

"My Grace please! Let me help" Zhongli offered

"No go wait with the others!" You told him as he did so. You and your friend were making breakfast. You didn't trust them yet with handling the things in your house. Once you finished you served them. They looked very curious and tried the food.

"This is good my grace" Kaeya said as the others agreed. Thankfully you knew how to cook since you been on your own for a good while.

You let them eat as you talked with your friend. "Ok so we will take them to your family beach house?"

"Yes I got it all set up and ready." She said happy. "We can stay as long as we want there. My parents love you so they won't mind at all."

"Good that way we don't have to worry much just worry how to take them back." You said as your friend nodded.

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