Chapter 40 Khoi is a good boi.

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You were laying on your side slightly curled up as Khoi was cuddled right up against your stomach napping with you. You had a nice soothing lofi playlist playing on your phone helping setting the soothing tone in your room. You were halfway asleep as you kept your eyes closed. Because of this in and out state you didn't notice the sound of the door when it opened and closed. But you did feel the weight of Khoi disappearing, you kept your eyes closed believing Khoi got up to rearrange himself and settle down again and as you predicted you felt the bed dip again infront of you. Instead of a small dip however it was a big one.

'.. Khoi doesn't weight that much..' you thought to yourself and opened your eyes to see Kaeya laying next to you as he had a smile on his face. "Ka-" he put his finger on your lips in a shushing manner and pointed to the side at your nightstand where Khoi was laying on a pillow curled up napping.

"We don't want to wake him up now." Kaeya said quietly as he hugged you close to him. "Finally I get to have a chance to be alone with you my grace" he said lowly as leaned in towards your face as you pulled away from him sitting up.

'This isnt right. What happened to Diluc and Xiao usually they make sure the others respect my wishes...' you thought to yourself as an amused smile came onto Kaeya's face.

"Wondering where your two gaurds are?" He said lowly as he sat up with you. "Well Bennett and Razor came looking for you for an adventure your promised. But Diluc being the ever so dutiful husband he is didn't want to disturb you so he took your place and went with them. As for the other one. He is doing some errands Zhongli ordered him to do." Kaeya said low as he grabbed you and layed you down with him on top of you. "I've been waiting so long for this.." he said.

"Kaeya" you said "get off-" he cut you off as he quickly leaned down and kissed you deeply. Your eyes widen at the nerve he had and quickly moved to try to get free. After a few seconds Kaeya let go as he was panting clearly getting heated.

'This is bad. I keep forgetting there yanderes!' you thought as Kaeya leaned down for another kiss only for him to give off a pained expression and get off of you while trying to grab something from his back.

"Ow ow! Get off me!" Kaeya yelled as you quickly sat up seeing Khoi latched onto his back on all fours claws in deep into his skin.

"Khoi!" You said as you ran over and grabbed your little cat boy holding him close.

"Keep off my grace" Khoi said as he was fluffed out hissing at Kaeya.

"You little -" you cut him off.

"Gorou! Sick him!!" You yelled as in seconds Gorou brust into your room attentive alert. He saw you point at Kaeya. "Get him!"

"You!" Gorou growled at Kaeya as the Cryo user held up his hands.

"Easy boy easy!" Kaeya said he ran out dodging Gorou "Ah!"

"Get him boy!" You said as Gorou ran after him. Once they were gone you closed the door relocked it and added a chair to it. "Can't even lock it because it seems they how to pick it" you said annoyed as you noticed Khoi being silent. "Khoi? You ok?" You asked him worried to see him curled up in your hug. Quickly you took him to your bed and set him down to see him cradling his hand that appeared to have blood coming from it. "Khoi your bleeding.." you said worried taking his hand and checking it.

"He broke my claw off and it got the quick.." Khoi said as you quickly grabbed as cloth and applied pressure. "It hurt my grace.."

"It's ok Khoi I'll heal you right up." You said gently as you focused and sure enough you healed him. "There. Much better." You said happy as you got a damp cloth and cleaned him up gently. "All cleaned up." You said happy.

Her Holiness. Days after.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora