36. Executing Plan

Start from the beginning


Lee Felix

I just came back an hour ago from Japan. I had to accompany Mr. Min to a meeting there. It was tiring and hectic being there and coming back to Korea with 24 hours. I took a bath and relaxed myself. I switched on my phone to see missed calls from Hyunjin and some texts asking me where I was.

When I came back home. I suspected that he was here. Due to the smell of his cologne lingering in the air but I brushed it off because I don't want to have casual sex with him not anymore. It is costing my heart a high loss.

On the top of that what he said at the reception was enough to know that how he sees me. A toy or a whore. Well, this happens when you try to give an understanding to other person, they start to think low of you. That's what happens when you follow others wishes they start to take you for granted and you lose your value in their eyes.

I was immersed in my thoughts sipping on wine standing by my kitchen counter. When I heard the beep of main door going off followed by attempt to open it. But it was locked from inside. My heart started to beat fast because I knew it was Hyunjin because only he knows my pin.

"Open it Felix... I know you are inside."

"Why are you here Hyun, I have nothing to talk to you." There was a little hope budding inside me that maybe he was here to apologize to me, for what he said that day.

The other part of me didn't want to think like that. Why would he apologize to me, because you apologize to those who mean something to you. I was clearly just a bed friend for him or maybe a whore.

"Open it before I break it down." he banged hard. By his voice, I know by now he is not here to apologize.

I opened the door and he barged in, huffing badly from all of the banging earlier.

"Why are you here? I thought I made it clear that day." I folded my arms on my chest.

"I didn't know you would stoop this low to get back on me Felix. Is that what you wanted all along? Are you happy now? After using me."

My eyes grew wider. Whatever he was saying it was foreign language for me. I used him?


"Don't act innocent now. Did Min Yoongi asked you to do this? Was it a plan all along to lure me. You should be ashamed Felix for doing this."

"What did I do to you Hyunjin, its you who humiliated me that day. Labeling me a whore."

"Oh.... So that's why you pulled this ridiculous move, giving me a low blow, to take revenge." He chuckled bitterly.

"I did what? Will you tell me for God sake." I said and seconds later he flashed his mobile screen.

My mouth fell open, it was pictures of me and him kissing and doing intimate things. From the bar we went almost a month ago. It was our first date outside of bed since we met.

" I trusted you that day Felix, you said your wanted to go out with me and do some normal stuff. Was that your purpose? Tell me Felix. Was it for taking pictures and then using them against me and today you sent these to Jungkook." now his eyes were getting teary.

"Hyunjin I didn't take them. How can I when I was with you? How can I click them."

"Maybe it was your plan, I don't know." he let his body sit in the couch. He seem too shaken. But I never did it. Why would I? Given that now I have blooming feelings in my heart for him.

"I didn't do it? Why would I risk something like that. There is my face too on it. The way it will impact you, it will impact me the same or maybe more you don't know dangerous Min is. Jeon is your friend he might forgive you. But Min isn't my friend."

"Then who did this? I don't have any other enemy."

"You see me as your enemy now? Hyunjin what has happened to you. I would never try to hurt you. Even if we don't have any feelings between us. I won't give you a low blow. I am a man of dignity. Maybe it's not your enemy vut Jeon's." not that he will trust me.

"I don't know. After seeing this Jungkook thinks I am the reason. I am a traitor and I told you detail of that Shawn things that's why Min got the deal again." he sighed.

I thought on his words, repeating them in my mind, making sense of them. I am not a business advisor like him. So, I don't know the specifics of business dealings in such a detail. But his words made sense to me.

"I don't know about it because I don't know why that deal was signed. They sign deal with us every year then why there is fuss?"

He raised his head looking at me knitting his eyebrows, "So you don't know anything?" I shook my head.

He sighed, "This year Jungkook offered them a proposal with some new things and profit details but still Min Yoongi secured the deal because someone gave him tip of Jungkook's proposal already. With these pictures he thinks I am the traitor, given no one knew that proposal details except me and him. He didn't even listen to me after these pictures and fired me." he sighed.

"He thinks I broke his trust. He told me not to show my face to him. I thought it was you who sent pictures." Hyunjin started to cry.

I went to him sitting by his side, "I didn't do it Hyunjin believe me. I get nothing out of it. I don't even know about the specifics of that deal. It's between Shawns, Min and Finance department. Then how would I know the right timing to send these pictures. It is someone else. Maybe someone from your company who wants you gone by Jungkook's side. They might be following you to get something on you and with this deal they found a reason and used pictures along with it. If it was someone from our company then Min would've got the pictures too. But that's not the case. It's only Jungkook who got pictures." I presented the reason to help him think straight.

He looked at me with tears,"He thinks I betrayed him. He didn't even glanced back years of our friendship." he broke down hiding face in his palms and my heart felt weak seeing him like this.

"I am sorry Hyunjin, it happened to you." I pulled him to my chest patting his hair as he sniffled badly.

Although he was harsh towards me that day and his word left brutal marks on my soul. I may have cried whole night clutching on to my heart but I don't have a heart to push away him even if hurt me bad. Right now he needs me so I'll be here.


I don't know, whom I should feel bad about... It's so confusing 🤣🤣🤧

Love from my side 💜

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