Chapter 62: Plans

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Killian walked into the lounge and started lighting the cigarette that already rested between his lips. The men stared wondering what was to come.

"Change of plans." He inhaled. Then blew the smoke out.
All of the men waited for his instructions.
"You know where Drake lives. I don't wanna kill him. Just scare him. Killing him takes away leverage. Just leads to more violence and revenge. We're gonna move logically. Three of you are gonna take me to where he lives. And we're gonna get him."
"Get him as in?" Mikel questioned.
"As in get groceries. Get a new car. Get a restraining order. Get a warrant. You don't know what get means?" Killian asked him.
"The rest of you stay put until I say otherwise. I want Kolson, Silas, and Tharen."
"Yes, sir." The three replied.
"We leave tonight. If you had plans, cancel 'em." He smoked his cigarette.


Denise stood by the register and counted her money.

She'd gotten $35,680 over the past month and a week. Just 15,000 more and she could get her daughter back. With the help of the casino and the restaurant, she'd been making money quicker than she anticipated. She slightly raised her prices and went to the casino every night to play until she lost.

The door rang when someone entered. A handsome older man in a suit. It was around company lunchtimes so she figured that was where he came from.

"Hi, what can I get you?" she asked him.
He looked up at the menu.
His eyebrows furrowed.
She wondered what was wrong.
"You raised your prices?" he asked.
"Oh...yes, but only by a dollar. It won't stay that way for long, I promise." she clarified.
"Why did you do it?" he asked and looked at her.
"Family emergency. A bill came out to be very expensive and my daughter's life is at risk." she said sadly.
"Oh wow..." he felt bad. He assumed her daughter was in the hospital. "Well uhh...I'll take the gangster burger with fries and a drink."
"Um...The drink price is up a dollar as well. Is that okay?" she asked.
"Yea, it's fine. Can I get a slice of your cake too?" he added.
"Sure. Red velvet or devil's food?"
"Which one do you prefer?" he asked her.
"Red velvet is my favorite." she answered while she put in his order.
"I'll do that then."
She looked at him.
He was taking his card out of his wallet.

She realized something.

"You shaved your beard." she stated.
He looked at her. He snickered. "Yea, I did."
She nodded and finished pressing buttons. "$12.45"
"I must be here pretty often for you to notice." he said while he slid his card in.
"Once a week, right?" she smiled.
"I really appreciate your loyalty."
"Well it's not like you made it hard to come back."
"Food that good?" she teased.
"Yea, it is." He chuckled. "Beautiful staff too."
"Yea, my daughter got a lot of returning customers when she used to work here once or twice a week." She ripped off his receipt.
"Before today I didn't know you had a daughter." he stated. "I've only ever seen you here."
She looked at him while she handed him the paper.
"Thank you." he stated.
She nodded. "It'll be out in a few minutes."
"I'm in no rush." he smiled.
She gave a nod before shyly walking back to the kitchen.


"What'd you get?" Stone asked. He and Lyle were walking out of his office to head to a meeting.
"So far just his expansion. Also he was taken in for questioning a while ago but he's free. I'm sure the detectives are losing their minds over this case. At some point they might just start looking elsewhere for the cuplrit." Lyle answered. The two stepped into the elevator.
"We don't need that. Segal needs to be imprisoned. I don't need enemies, I just need competition. There's a difference and I refuse to keep walking the street with a chill down my spine thinking I'll be kidnapped and beaten again! Or worse!!" he yelled.
"Yes, sir."
"All of that bullshit, Cermak probably already knows. I need something valuable. I will not have my head on a platter."
"Have you considered calling your brother?" Lyle offered.
Stone thought about it.

He took out his phone and began to dial.

The phone rang and the two stepped out of the opened elevator.

"Hello?" Leonard answered.
"Leonard. I'm calling in a favor."
"What did you do?"
"I haven't done anything. It's what I need done."
"What is it?"
"I need you to give me everything you have on Lee Segal."
"The businessman?"
"Correct." But obviously Stone knew he was more than a businessman.
"What have you gotten yourself into?"
Stone and Lyle stepped out of the building and arrived at the car.
"Less questions, big brother. More answers. I'll need it before the end of this week."
"I'll see what I can do. Don't get killed while I'm searching."
The two hung up.

Stone and Lyle got into the car.

"The Ritz on 24th street." Stone stated.
"Yes, sir." replied his driver.


Tati searched through the kitchen looking for what she should make for dinner. They were running out of groceries again. It's so difficult making three meals a day and sometimes desserts as well for a man who expects a four star dish at the least.

She thought about texting then remembered she didn't have a phone. Then she wondered if he had a landline anywhere. Only to realize she didn't even know his number. It was all pointless.

Now she was wondering what to do until he arrived back at the house and they could go grocery shopping.

There wasn't a tv in the living room or her room. It was like he never anticipated having visitors. Then she remembered where he did have a television.
It was in Killian's bedroom.

She decided she'd just watch one movie and find something else to do afterwards before he gets back in time to notice her in there.

She headed upstairs.

She always liked his bedroom. It was so nice. The bed was so large. The skylight was beautiful. She climbed onto the bed and grabbed his remote. But first she wallowed in the comfort of his bed. Her bed wasn't terrible but his was like sleeping on a silk cloud.

She laid on her stomach and pressed the button on the remote to turn the tv on.

"Oooo..." she purred. He had almost every television app imaginable downloaded on his smart tv. She could watch anything.

She went to her favorite and began swiping through the options.
"It gets harder and harder to hate being here." she sighed and continued swiping for a movie.

While she did, she wondered what she'd do once she was done.
What was there to do besides lay in his bed and watch television?

Then she remembered the pool.

If she just got out before he got back home, she could go for a nightly swim and just wear her underwear. Plans were made. Movie then swim. She honestly felt like she was living a life of luxury. And all she had to do in return was fix breakfast.

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