Chapter 32: Apologies and Explanations

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Tati heard the door open again. She didn't know what she hoped for, just seeing anything besides the grey walls of her room was enough.

"Get up." Killian stated.
Tati stood. "Am I going to work?"
"No. Get your stuff."
"I'm going home?!" she asked happily.
"Stop asking me fucking questions!" he yelled.
She started stuffing everything in its bags but wondered where she was going.

Killian realized that if they were going to get raided tomorrow, they'd definitely find Tati there and she had zero loyalty to them to not tell what happened to her. So he'd unfortunately have to take her with him.

It was a good thing she still had all of the bags everything came in.

She tied them all and looked at Killian.
"Let's go."
She took her bags and walked behind him towards the elevator. Finally she had a change of scenery in the past 40 hours.

They stepped inside the open elevator and Killian pressed the button for the lobby floor.
Neither of them spoke during the ride and Tati noticed he actually stood farther from her than usual.

The elevator opened again and Killian got out first. They headed towards the front door. The valet saw and grabbed Killian's keys before walking off to get the car.

"I've never seen an office building have valet." Tati spoke up.
Killian didn't respond. He went into his suit jacket for his cigarette carton only to open it and be reminded that he was out. He crushed it in his hand then tossed it into the trash.

The two heard a roaring sound and a car pulled up in front of them.

Tati stared in awe at the black vehicle. A car that came out earlier this year and cost around $450,000.

The valet got out and handed the keys to Killian. Killian popped his trunk open with a button.
"Put your stuff in." he instructed as he walked to the driver's side.
Tati took his instructions and walked to the trunk.
She saw that even that part was luxurious as it was coated in red velvet. She put her bags in then shut the door.
Soon she climbed into the passenger seat and was in more awe.

The interior was black with red leather seats. He had a touch screen that slid out on its own. And the car smelled like his cologne, it didn't need air freshener.
Killian pressed down on the gas and the car raced out of the driveway.

She still looked around like she couldn't believe she was inside of it.
She looked at Killian and saw him driving casually.
He turned out of the driveway after looking left for oncoming cars and Tati saw his left hand easily turn the wheel on its own. The wheel would slide back straight in the palm of his hand once they were on the road.
She looked back forward.

In only a few seconds, the car pulled into the parking lot of a convenience store.
Killian parked and was about to get out until he heard Tati unbuckle her seatbelt.

He looked.
"What are you doing?" he asked her.
"I have something I need to get."
"Sit here."
"It's important..." she replied.
"I don't care." he stated.
He stared at her.
"I won't ask for anything else."
He continued getting out. She took that as permission and followed him.

They both walked in through the sliding door.

Killian handled buying his cigarettes while Tati looked around.
As the cashier grabbed the right brand, Killian looked for Tati to make sure she wasn't up to anything.

He saw her standing there, bent over and squinting to look at brands in the aisle she was on.

He stared.

"Is that all for you?" asked the cashier.
"Hurry up." He told Tati.
She looked in his direction then hurried and grabbed something that she covered with her arms.
He wondered what it was.
"Look away." she commanded.
"What?" he asked.
"Look the other way!" she whined.
"I have to pay."
"Then give me your card and look away."
He just stared at her.
"What am I gonna do? Memorize your card number for funsies? Rob you for a candy bar? You're rich, you wouldn't even notice." she argued.
He sighed at her sass then handed her the card.
She stared at him.
He rolled his eyes and turned around.

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