Chapter 39: Is This The Last One?

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"They spent the entire week deeply covering everything. They really found nothing." Detective Clinton stated.
Park sighed. "This isn't right. Two people came out with the same story practically. Cermak had an agreement and Johnson didn't follow through."
"Are you sure it wasn't someone with a relationship to Segal?"
"I don't know. But I'm really leaning towards Cermak on this one. There was evidence with the President that he had a close relationship to Cermak. There are old photos of the two grabbing lunch or whatever."
"Well we checked everywhere in the office. Maybe he's good at hiding the evidence."
"No one's that good. There's something somewhere. We're missing it." Park insisted.
"You know you can't keep him any longer. It's been a week. He should've been out in two days." Clinton reminded him.
"Yea. I'll get someone to handle it."
She nodded and walked away.
Park stood there in thought.


Killian got out of the shower and could hear dishes clanging in the kitchen.

He really hoped she didn't break anything but he was excited to try what she made today. It had been a week since he gave her the job to cook while she was...contained...and so far she hadn't disappointed him yet.

He threw on a dress shirt and pants then headed downstairs.

He just saw a woman walking back and forth throughout his kitchen causing some sweet cinnamon aroma to waft through his house.

She stood in front of the stove.
He walked up to her and looked over her shoulder.
She was about to grab something until she turned around and flinched. She'd noticed the man standing closely behind her and buttoning his shirt.

"Holy shit, you scared me. How do you do that?" she asked.
"Do what?"
"You walk without making a single sound."
"Habit. Is that French toast?"
She snickered. "Yes, it is. I figured you'd like it since you like sweets."
He leaned forward and looked over her shoulder again at the pieces she'd finished cooking. He saw her buy a thick loaf of bread and just assumed she'd use it for sandwiches but this was much better.
He eyed the fluffy pieces of warm cinnamon bread while she took in the smell of him that was right under her nose.
He smelled so good. She almost brought her nose closer but luckily she doesn't lack self control.

He backed away and grabbed a plate.
"Wait, it's not done yet!" Tati stated and stood in his way.
"I'm not letting you dress my plate. I'm hungry."
"But it'll look so pretty if I do!"
"Who gives a damn? I just want to eat."
"Yea, but-..."
Killian put his plate down and grabbed onto Tati before picking her up and moving her to stand behind him. She stared at him with her jaw fallen as he fixed his plate.

He grabbed the syrup and a fork then walked towards the table to eat.

"You're such an asshole." she stated and started making the last piece.
"It's good." he said after taking a bite.
"I know!" she replied and he chuckled as he took another bite.
She brought her plate to the table then went to fix something to drink.
"Bring me a water." he directed.
"Hell no."
"Why not?"
"Ask politely and maybe I'll think about it."
He rolled his eyes. "Can you please bring me a water?"
"Nope." she teased and opened the fridge.

Killian stood up and walked over to the fridge.
Tati turned around and flinched with a bottle of water in her hand. "Fuck! Why do you keep doing that?!"
"I wanted a water."
"I was gonna bring it to you. I was just kidding."
He kept his eyes in hers and took the water bottle out of her hand.
"We should've gotten orange juice. But I forgot." she told him.
"Are you a child?"
"Adults drink orange juice, don't be an asshole!"
He chuckled.
"Nothin'. I like when you snap at me."
"You told me that a while ago..." she said nervously and looked away from him.
"I meant it."
"Why do you like that?" she wondered.
"Cause most people just do what I want them to and don't look me in my eye. You have a backbone. It's sexy."
She didn't respond and just looked down at her fingers while she messed with them.
"Except now." he scoffed.
She looked up at him. "What's that supposed to mean? You don't think I have a backbone right now?"
"You're looking away from me. You can handle it when I'm mean to you but when I'm nice to you then you get nervous? You're backwards." he chuckled.
She rolled her eyes.

He continued to stare at her.
"You are really fucking pretty." he said in awe.
"Stop doing that!" she commanded.
He laughed. "Why? I know I'm not the only person to tell you that. You told me yourself you got flirted with a lot at your old job. Did they make you nervous?"
"Absolutely not. They were always guys that thought they were much smoother than they really were. And they thought it would be cute to obviously stare at my chest while we spoke like I was some naked marble statue."
"That why you've been nicer to me since I stopped?"
She hadn't noticed she'd been nicer to him.

"Less 'I hate you's." he stated.
"I still hate you..." she claimed.
"Mm." His eyes looked down at her lips. "You said the last time was the last time, right?"
They noticed the two of them getting closer.
"I just said I hated you..." Tati reminded him.
"I know."
Their lips pressed together anyway.

Killian's hand gently held the side of Tati's face as the two locked lips. She kissed him back which he honestly wasn't expecting. His hands found her waist and her hands gently held his face closer.

Killian's phone began to ring.

They kissed one last time before he let her go to answer it.

Tati looked up at him.
"Yea?" Killian answered.
Tati took a deep breath and walked off quickly. He saw her leave the kitchen.
"Where are you?" Doc asked.
"I'm at home. Are you back?"
"They kept you for a week?"
"Asshole didn't believe me."
That didn't surprise Killian. His uncle is a very untrustworthy man.
"While you were gone they took out a warehouse. We have two of Segal's men tucked away but the rest fled. I was supposed to go back over there today. You have anything specific you want me to add to my list?"
"No. He takes one of ours and we take two of his. But I expect you to do worse. And not just yet. Make him think he won for a bit."
"I'm gonna get some people to investigate him. I know he's doing this to get the pressure off himself. If I go to jail he's goin' with me and I'll kill him myself while we're in there."
Doc hung up.

Killian put his phone down. He remembered Tati left and went to find her.

She was laying on her bed when he got to her room.

"I'm leaving."
She looked at him and sat up. "Okay..."
He gave a nod then left her room.
Tati groaned and covered her face with her hands as she laid back down.

SwitchbladeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora