Chapter 13: I Want

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Tati walked out of the room, made up and dressed as she was supposed to be.

She looked to the right and saw Killian standing there with a cigarette between his lips.
His eyes looked down her while he smoked.
"You like red?" he asked.
"Leave me alone."
He scoffed and grabbed her arm to pull her somewhere else.

"Walk fucking slower, I'm in four inch heels!" she yelled.
He pushed into her door and made her follow behind him.

All of the men looked at him until their eyes were distracted by the woman he brought in with him.
She was pulled to stand in front of him. His eyes scanned down to her ass.
"Men, this is your new bartender." he said and licked his lips.
Tati stared back at all of the men who eyed her body in its red lingerie.
"Her name is Tati."
She turned her head to look at him. "You assholes don't get to call me that. My name is Tatiana."
He looked at her lips.
She faced forward again.

"She looks like she's ill-mannered." one of them stated.
Killian would've slapped him for talking about somebody he brought into the building but instead he decided to use it to his advantage.
"I assure you...she's very well mannered." His hand slid up her bare waist while the other held his cigarette between his first two fingers. "Because she wouldn't test me." His hand grabbed her jaw and forced her head back against him. He spoke into her ear. "Right?"
Tati felt the strength in his hand from the grip on her jaw he had. While he felt her ass pressed against his crotch from her lean back.
"R-Right." she said reluctantly.
He smiled. "Atta girl."
She forced her face out of his hand and he let her go.
"Now go stand behind the bar." His hand smacked her ass and she turned to face him quickly.
He didn't flinch.
He just tilted his head and looked at her lips while he smoked.

"Bar." he commanded.
"I'm gonna kick your ass, bitch." she said quietly through gritted teeth.
"I know." He smiled and put the cigarette back up to his mouth.
She turned around and walked towards the bar.

He stared at her ass while she walked.
Fuck... he thought like usual.

He found his seat at the table.

Making her work in the vip room both helped the guys and made sure she didn't run.

"Where'd you find her?" Niko asked.
"Long story." Killian finished his cigarette and put it out.
"She's sexy. Can she go to the back?" Dominic asked.
"No?" Tharen questioned.
"No." He thought about it. "I think I want her. Keep your hands to yourself." Killian said and looked at her as she tried to get used to the layout of the bar.

"I wanna see her walk again." Niko stated. "Hey, sweetheart!" he yelled and Tati looked at him. "Bring me a glass'a bourbon, would ya?"
"Your legs don't work?" Tatiana asked as she grabbed the bottle.
Some of the men chuckled while the rest were just surprised she said it.
Niko looked at Killian.
Killian stared at her. "Doesn't it make you wanna fuck the shit outta her?"
She began pouring the drink.

"I prefer my women respectful." said Tharen.
"Yea, I like a bitch that knows when to shut the fuck up." Niko scoffed. "She clearly ain't one of them."
"I just want my woman to be sexy." Dominic stated.
A few of them agreed.

Killian hated a woman that was easy to push around. The men around him were used to being the bottom of the barrel when he was around so obviously they wanted to feel in charge of something at least once, which is where their women came in. But Killian wanted to finally have someone fight him back. Make life more fun.

Tati was kind enough to still bring Niko's drink to him although she thought he was lazy.
"Here you go." she stated and placed the drink onto the table.
She turned to walk off.
"Atta girl." Niko smiled. He turned and smacked her ass while she walked.

Tati stopped and turned back around.

The rest of the men noticed while Niko was about to sip his drink.
She took it and splashed it into his face then slapped him across it. "Stay thirsty, bitch." She tossed the glass onto the table and turned to walk off.
Niko stood up angry and fast enough that his chair fell back.

But he heard a gun cock.

His head turned.

"Sit down, bitch." Killian instructed.
Niko looked back at Tati behind the bar before he picked his chair up and sat back down.
He took napkins and started wiping his face and blotting his shirt down.

"Now didn't I tell you I wanted her?" Killian asked.
"I was just messin' around."
"But me sayin' that makes her mine, don't it?"
"Yes, sir, but I-..."
"Punch him in the jaw." Killian told Silas, the man next to Niko.
Silas followed instructions and punched Niko as hard as he could in the jaw. Because if he would have been too gentle, Killian would've hit them both with knuckles hard enough to break a tooth. Niko sat there and took it with his head down and an aching left side of his face.
"Don't ever touch my shit again." Killian stated and placed his gun down on the table.
Niko kept his head down.


"Congressman, I think it would be wise if you stayed out of this fight." his assistant, Michelle, stated.
The two stopped walking as they eased down the hallway.
"Michelle, I don't think you understand so I'm going to put it into words that might help you fathom how large of a deal this is." Mitch began.
Michelle stared at him and waited with her clipboard in arms.
"If I go on the news with the headline stating that I helped bring down one of the biggest gangs in the country before I even stepped into office, those votes are mine." he said with eyes in hers. "Do you realize that? I'll be viewed by the people as a man that can get shit done. Someone who puts his life on the line for the greater good. We're talking sponsorships, votes, rallies, the Nobel peace prize."
"But is your life worth all of it? These are some big people you're talking about and if they did have a hand in the assassination of President Johnson then it won't be hard for them to get to you too. A congressman has less protection than the president by a mile." Michelle explained.
"The bureau has people watching over me. I am in safe hands. Killing me would also bring them into light. They wouldn't do something so reckless and idiotic."
"Well I'm sure most of them aren't afraid of prison anyway." Michelle argued quietly.

Mitch fixed his suit coat and continued walking down the hallway. Michelle followed behind.

They made it to the door and he opened it.

"Detective." Mitch called with a smile.
"It's good to see you. I heard you wanted to speak with me?"
"Yes, please sit."
Mitch pulled out one of the chairs at the table and took his seat.

"What's this about?" he asked.
"Well, I'd like to start with we appreciate your help in the investigation. It does not go unnoticed and a lot of guys would never think to do what you're doing."
"Of course. Anything to help my country."
"Right. With that being said, I listened to what your mic picked up while you were interacting with Mr. Cermak and we are removing you from the investigation."
Mitch's eyebrows furrowed.
"You will be put under Witness Protection starting tomorrow."
"What?" Mitch asked.
"I'm sorry but it's for your safety. We have right to believe Cermak is now a part of the investigation after he could obviously see straight through your li-..."
"No, you can't do this. I'm running in the election. If I'm in witness protection then I can't proceed."
The detective scoffed. "Well, sir, I'm sure your well-being is far more important than an election."

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