Chapter 54: You Decide

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Killian and Kolson walked into the building. Both with hands in their pockets but Killian had a cigarette between his lips.

He removed it and held it between two fingers as he exhaled and looked around.

"Sir, this building has a no smoking policy." The receptionist stated.
"Alright." Killian looked at her and put the cigarette back between his lips. He inhaled and looked at the floor.
"Sir..." she called again.
"Where's your boss?" he asked and exhaled.
"He's on the top floor. But he's in a meeting right now."
"Of course he is." He took another puff of his cigarette before flicking it onto the floor and stepping on it. "Thank you, sweetheart." He winked and he and Kolson walked towards the elevator.
The woman watched them.

"You think it's with the detectives?" Kolson asked.
"No. He ratted anonymously."
The elevator opened and the two men stepped inside.

Kolson looked at his boss after he pressed the top floor number.

"You look tense. The girl still won't talk to you?" he asked.
"I'm fine. I just remembered I didn't wrap my hands." he said while one hand toyed with the switchblade in his pocket.
Kolson nodded.
"What do you know about that horoscope stuff?"
"Like the signs."
"Oh. My daughter's into it. Tells me about mercury and shit but I don't know about it. Don't know what a nine year old needs with that information anyway."
The elevator stopped and opened.

Killian walked out first followed by Kolson.

They found Stone's office and opened the door.

He and two other men looked at who entered.

Kolson and Killian saw the faint bruises still on Stone's face and a small bandage on his nose bridge.

Stone stared at Killian. Feeling like he looked familiar but not knowing who he was.
Just as Doc planned.

Raise his nephew to be a secret weapon of mass destruction that they never see coming. No one knew about Killian outside of Cermak. But he knew everything about them. When they met him they typically thought he was just one of the henchmen. Until they learn that he's much more.
Much, much more.

"Do I know you?" Stone asked.
Killian looked at the man Stone was originally speaking to before they barged in.

"Kolson." Killian called.
"Yes, sir?"
"Escort that gentleman into the hall."

Kolson looked at the man. "You gonna get up on your own or I gotta walk over there?"
The man was visibly confused and looked at Stone.
"Who the hell do you think-..."
Kolson interrupted Stone by walking to the man he spoke to earlier.
The man rushed out of his seat in fear.
Kolson took a step to the side and gestured his head for the man to walk.
The scared gentleman looked back and forth between Kolson and Killian but Killian stared at Stone while Stone watched his guest follow the random men's instructions.

Kolson and the witness left the office.

It was just Killian, Stone, and Lyle now.

Killian walked over to take a seat.

"Do I know you?!" Stone asked again, aggressively.
"No." Killian sat manspreading in his seat.

He looked at Lyle. "You the assistant?" he asked due to Lyle's thin frame.
Lyle didn't answer.
Killian tilted his head to the side.
"He doesn't get paid to answer to you." Stone spoke up.
Killian looked at him and chuckled.

"Heard you were just in the hospital recently." Killian pulled out his cigarette carton.
Stone's eyes widened.
"What was that about?" he asked as he took out a cigarette then put it between his lips.
Stone scoffed. "Who...Who do you work for to be asking me questions like that?"
Killian lit the end of his cigarette and inhaled before leaning back in his seat and looking back at Stone.

He removed the cigarette. "I think you can figure that out, can't you?" he exhaled.
Stone and Lyle both stared at the tatted man in front of them.
"Why were you in the hospital, Stephen?" Killian asked again.
Stone put his elbows on the table and rested his face in his hands.

He tried his hardest to hold back tears.

"I told him." he huffed. "I told him he was nuts. I said I wasn't gonna do it and I kicked him out of my office. I told him he was a fuckin' idiot and I'd kill him if I saw him again. And do you know what he did to me?" He put his hands down.
Killian just stared at him.
Killian stared into Stone's watery eyes that were quivering in fear.
"I didn't want to. I told him no. I almost died. By his fucking goons. That Drake asshole everybody's always talkin' about." Killian's brows furrowed. "Are you gonna try to kill me too?!" Stone whined.
Stone gasped softly in shock.

"No, I'm not gonna kill you." Killian knocked off some of his ashes before putting the cigarette back to his lips.

"But you got a job to do now." he exhaled.
"I'm gonna leave it to you to find out every bit and piece of information on Segal and you're gonna pass it along to detectives."
"Wha-..." Stone scoffed. "That just puts me in more danger."
"I can kill you right now." Killian took another hit of his cigarette.
Stone stared nervously.

"I'm being kind enough to let you choose."
"I'll do it." he stated. "But on one condition."
Killian just stared at him.
Stone nervously darted his eyes away and looked at the table instead.

"Your boss has to grant me protection until this is over with. Afterwards we part ways and we carry on how we always did, never coming in contact with one another again." Stone dealt.
Stone picked up his head and held his hand out for Killian to shake.

Killian looked at it.
He took a final puff of his cigarette then pressed it down into the table.
Stone watched then felt Killian grab his hand and shake. Killian stood up and left the room.

"Let's go." Killian told Kolson.
Kolson stood up and followed behind.


Killian spent the rest of the day explaining to his uncle what happened and their plan of action. Having Segal arrested wouldn't be enough. They needed to tear him apart.
He was leaving the office now and walked through the lobby.

"Comin' to club 2, boss?" Soren asked behind him.
Killian stopped walking.
"It's been a minute." Rodney added.
"Yea. I'll meet you there." he answered and kept walking.

"What's with him?" Rodney wondered aloud.
Soren didn't answer because he wondered the same thing. They hadn't seen him out in a while. It was unlike him.

Killian got in his car and drove off to head back home.

He let the radio play and his fingers slowly tapped against the gear shift.

He stopped at a red light and his eyes just examined the shops around.

He watched people walk across the street and a few admired his car and gave a thumbs up like usual. He didn't care about that, he was just waiting for a green light.

Then his eyes caught something.

On the right side, in front of a floral shop, they sold special flowers that were going out of season. They were pricier because of the luck.

The light turned green.

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