Chapter 4: Women

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Denise walked inside and checked to make sure Tati wasn't in the open area of the house after seeing her car parked outside.
She maneuvered to her room quietly then shut the door.

After stripping off her jacket, she sat on the bed and took out the envelope of cash she'd won from the casino.

She began counting through it.


She'd made $480 at the restaurant today.

She took a sigh of relief with her eyes closed and her face towards the ceiling.

After being there for thirty minutes she'd almost won a thousand dollars.
Tomorrow she planned to keep the restaurant open longer so that she could get even more money, if she wasn't too tired after that, she'd go back to the casino.

"Mom?!" Tati yelled.
Denise panicked and started stuffing all of the money back into the envelope. She quickly closed it then slid it under her mattress. "YES?!" she responded.

Tati walked to her mother's room and opened the door.

Denise sat there looking at her phone.

"Hey." Tati greeted.
"Hey...How was work?"  her mother asked.
"It was fine." Tati walked in further and gave her mom a wad of cash.
"What is this?" she asked.
"It's my tips from today. $220. I'll admit most of it came from one guy who was hoping it would make me want to go on a date with him." Tati scoffed.
"Are you sure?"
"I'm positive. I went today so I could give this to you. Check comes tomorrow."
Denise grew teary eyed and sniffed. "Thank you." she said and took the money. "I'm sorry I make you have to do this."
Tati sat down on the bed.
"I didn't expect it to be so hard." Denise whined. "But I'd feel even worse if I sold it. Your grandfather spent years of his life working that restaurant. If I sell it, all his hard work goes to waste. He worked himself into the grave for that restaurant. I just can't do it." she sniffed and shook her head.
"I don't want you to either. And you don't have to." Tati assured her. "The economy's been in the gutter, you know that. It's not your fault. You had hundreds of customers a day before it hit. Give it some time and the restaurant will make ten times as much as it used to. It's only hard for right now."
Denise nodded.
Tati hugged her mother as she remembered all her mom gave up to maintain the restaurant. It was her pride and joy aside from her daughter.


The women stood in a single file line dressed in bikinis as the men stared waiting to hear Killian's judgment. They'd brought twenty women in for him to judge whether or not they were good enough to walk around the club.

He looked at the first woman.

Her body was nice but he thought her face was ugly.
"Get out." he instructed.
She walked off with a heavy heart, ready to cry.
The next one had a pretty face but he thought her body was that of a child.
"Get out, but first how old are you?" he asked.
He gestured his head towards the door. She walked off with her head down. "Which one of you brought her here?" he turned and asked the men.
One of them raised their hand honestly. "I did, sir..."
"You some kinda fuckin' pedophile?" he asked him.
"N-No, sir..."
"She looked like a kid, you weird motherfucker. Two of you go get his computer, prick probably watches little kids."
"Wh-Wha-..." The man was shocked. But two of them left the room to go follow instructions.

Killian brought his eyes back to the woman in front of him.

Pretty face. Full chest.
"Turn around." he instructed.
Flat ass.
He rolled his eyes then grabbed her arm and dangled her in front of the other men.

"Walk wall to wall." he told her.
She started walking.
"If you saw this, would you want her in your face at a club? Would you wanna fuck her?" he asked them.
Some said yea and some were on the fence.
Killian was an ass man but he supposed he'd let her slide and just watch how many tips she got.
"You can stay. Go sit down." he told her. She walked off to the couch.

He looked at the next woman.

He thought her face was pretty in a weird way. Her eyes were spread kind of far but it wasn't terrible.
Her chest was a decent size.
"Turn around." he demanded.
She turned.
Fat ass.
"Go sit down." he told her and she walked over.

He looked at the next one.
She wore too much makeup and he hated it.
"Go wipe all that shit off your face then come back." he instructed.
She hurried to the bathroom.

The next woman was up.

Pretty, full chest, he liked her hair. It was curly.
"Turn around."
She turned around.
Nice ass.
He smacked it. "Go sit down."
She smiled as she went to sit down.

The women on the couch stared at him as he continued looking through more women.
"I was iffy about this before I got here but he's so hot..." said Alana.
"If my mom found out I was here she'd kick me out of the family." said Suki.
"I would fuck the shit out of that man." Taylor scoffed.
"Right." Alana agreed.
"The tattoos, the voice..." Taylor moaned.
"The height..." said Gina.
"I swear to god he smacked my ass and I wanted him to degrade me." said Taylor and the other women laughed as they understood where she was coming from.
"He's not married. Do you think he has a girlfriend?" Gina asked.
"He doesn't seem like the type. He seems like he just likes to fuck. And I bet he does it so well..." Taylor said as she eyed him down.
"The neck tattoo is doing something to me..." Alana stated.
"It's doing something to all of us."

"What're we talking about?" asked Mariah, another girl he just told to sit down.
"How hot he is."
"Oh my god he's so sexy. And he's mean like I like them."
A few of them nodded in agreement.
"He just looks like he knows where the clit is." Gina said and the other girls laughed but agreed.
"One day I'm gonna find out if he does." Taylor stated.
"Me too." said Suki.
"And me." Alana replied.
"We can't all have him." Mariah spoke up.
"Please he doesn't look like he's the tie down type. He's probably gonna nickname us after the days of the week he puts us on his schedule."
They laughed.

"Oh my god, if he was ugly I would've been out of here so fast." Alana stated.
Two more women came over.
"Literally. I was iffy when the guy that brought me told me I had to pick a bikini to wear but then I saw him and I was like 'I need this job'." Taylor stated and the women laughed in agreement.

The woman came back after wiping off her makeup and Killian looked at her.
"You look better like that. You can go sit down but when you start workin' here, don't come with that shit all over your face again." he instructed.
She nodded and walked over to the couch with the other women.

He looked at who was next.

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