Brothers in arms

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I stood in the the forest, the cullen residence light could be seen in the distance, notably my hart felt heavy like a rock had replaced my ever loving hart.

I had a large stick in hand and was walking in the direction of the reservation probably to see the pack, suddenly I heard something behind me, a twig snapping under foot of something or someone, I flung myself around anxiously holding the stick defensively which must of been an amusing sight to the rabbit I was met with just a few feet ahead.

Thinking I was paranoid I spun on my heal ready to carry on with my adventures but was harshly met with a chest, I stumbled back only to pause at the sight of a second man, one had cold white hair and the other pitch black.

They laughed heavily, "look Vladimir I told you, no protection for the little queen of voltera" the black haired one said with a laugh, his Romanian accent thick and full of sarcasm, "I don't know Stefan the kings are stupid but I never thought they would leave there mate in protected" presumably Vladimir said confused, "I am not the kings to keep" i spat in a moment of confidence, both men finally stood in front of me rather then the boxed in approach they had opened the conversation with, "is that so your highness?" Vladimir said Stefan looking at me, there red eyes reminded me of the kings and I felt anger like never before, "I Am not your queen I am y/n cullen and I do not answer to you or your kings now if you would excuse me I have to go" i said turning towards the Cullens residence.

"Not so fast prinssessa" is all I heard before I felt myself go limp, black overtaking my vision

I woke up wrapped in thick blankets and a dark silence in the air, Jacob had just walked into the front room as I sat up and stretched, "morning sleeping beauty" he said as he passed me, I looked for a second time and he had his and the packs belonging in in arms that they usually left lying around the house, "your leaving?" I questioned, "Carlisle car has just been spotted entering forks so we're just clearing out a bit but we'll still see you" he said reassuring me and giving me a hug before exiting to the tree line, within a minute Carlisles car pulled up and I sprinted down to see only Alice get out of the car, " go pack a bag and grab your passport" she said as she hugged me, I ran up the stairs and immediately did as she asked returning to the main room with a bag of clothes and my passport, " Edward has gone to kill himself, he seen my vision of you you and the vampire in the meadow  and Bella also trying to kill her self so we need to go to voltera and get him before he does so" she said pushing me into the car that already contained a crying Bella swan.

I didn't ask questions, the silence was so thick you could cut it with a knife, the trip to voltera was long and I'd never been so anxious in my whole life, the car ride in Italy wasn't much better, Alice drives like a maniac that's why I always rode with Rosalie and emmet.

The car came to a screeching halt, "the clock tower go now" Alice shouted at us as we fled the car, I grabbed Bellas hand pulled her along with me knowing her sense of direction was terrible,
With my hand in hers I dragged her through the crowd of red coats toward the clock tower, there Edward stood stupidly beginning to take off his shirt, both me and Bella crashed into him. His eyes widened and he pulled us back with him i to the clock tower, the doors closing behind us with a thud, as Bella and Edward had there moment I leaned on a near by wall before Edward finally turned to me and began to talk "y/n I'm so sorry" he bagan and I felt fury bubbling up in me, "not even a call Edward, not even a letter like others had sent me I thought you where dead you stupid boy" i said before pulling him into a hug.

We separated and two men turn the corner, Their long cloaks following them dancing in the wind until they stood in front of us, they both held smirks as they flicked off there hoods, momentarily there gaze was fixed on myself before there red eyes finally flickered to Edward, "the kings wish to speak to you" the taller one said, just after Alice burst through the doors, "now boys why don't we let the girls go enjoy the festival" Alice said scowling at the two boys who immediately shook there heads, "aro would like to see the humans", my face went pale and I felt sick to my stomach at the mention of his name, I somewhat prepared to get my hart broken into a million little pieces.

Alice's hand took mine and she walked to where she was stood between me and the boys, "you have seen what happens haven't you" she said quietly but accusingly I nodded my head and she smiles, "do we come out alive" she said in the same tone and I nodded once again, just then another pain of shoes came around the corner it was a little blond girl who also stared at me like the other two guards where, "aro sent me to see what is taking to long" she said her gaze finely going towards the other guards.

As she began to walk Alice pulled me with them. I was still preparing for the pain that was about to happen but I had to be thankful that it will get the Cullens and Bella out alive, it was a painfully slow dance to the the ballroom,

I felt my legs shakily carry me through the large wooden doors , my hart pounding in my ears furiously, I looked ahead of myself and could see the three figures, there was a conversation that I could not focus on as my eye contact with the brown haired king became more intense, the contact only broke when a flash of marble body's flung past me in a tangled fight for victory, I stumbled a few steps back avoiding the two figures, my eye contact finally broke and my gaze went across the thrones, the one with the black hair stood and made momentary eye contact with me that weighed heavy on my hart before snapping out of it, curious to see if the third had the same effect on my hart I looked towards his seat but to my shock he had already stood and had began to walk towards me in heavy long strides, "caius" the one with the brown hair said standing from his throne, the blond stoped just a few steps away and looked back at the brown haired male, "marcus she is human child, you can't think that we would keep her" caius said with so much hate in his voice that it somehow hurt my hart causing me to hold my had to my chest and a single tear rolled from my eye.
The black haired male looked in doubt of himself but put on a brave face ad he began to talk,
"Enough, your excused from this court but remember the volturi don't give second chances. Take the girl with you and never bring her back to voltera" the black haired one said, " Aro you know she I-" Alice began  "we know, and we don't want some weak human as a mate.
She's worthless to us even if we change her" aro said practically spitting venom.

I stood in shock, Alice's hand grabbed my arm and as I left the sad gazes of the guards who had looked at me strangely looked broken, I didn't dare look at the kings again I just hung my head in shame.

I wasn't aware of anything but the pain in my hart still held a bitter attention, like a knife. It carved his words symbolically "we don't want some weak human as a mate" he hadn't met me. I may be human but I was strong, my time playing with the wolf pack had sharpened my reflexes and I had built some muscle doing so.

How could they call me weak ?, I felt myself being sat on a bench, my eyes unmoving until Alice's cold marble hand touched my cheek bro hung me out from my trance, "hey y/n your ok, your going to be ok" she hushed me but I shook my head, "Alice don't leave me please" i said reaching for her hand in a cry for help, my vision blurred by tears carrying the whole of my pain.

For a second the pain stopped and a heavy pair of shoes came into the room. I looked up and was met with piercing red eyes, he looked at me with with such sadness that I felt it hang in the air, he glared at the others who hesitantly left, I felt Alice's hand drop from my shoulder as she sent me a questioning glance, I nodded in reassurance as marcus sat down.

With the room now clear i wiped my face of the tears, "I'm sorry how this panned out my dear, I wish I could stay by your side but it seems my brothers do not wish for such happiness" he said taking a hand to brush away a few strands of fallen hair, my eyes met his and I couldn't tear my eyes from his red ones, "you don't want me ether?" I asked sadly, "never in a million years would I not want you but we are kings and putting you in danger is the last thing I'd ask for" he said holding my hand tighter, "if you did ask I'd say yes" i said forcing myself to smile  but he shook his head, "I'm sending you and the others home on the privet jet, I'll write to you and I'd appreciate if you wrote me back" he said breaking my hart once again, he stood and I followed his movements, he stood with his back to me, his turn was slow and it was as if he was no longer in control, "have this,to show you are protected, one day I'll come back for you and we'll have w entity ahead of us" he said as he took off his gold chain, he held my hand as he put it in the centre, the chain had more weight then I had expected, with my hand unmoving he then placed it around my neck.

His eyes looked over my features once again, he pulled me in for a hug that lasted it's own eternity but in reality fell apart after a minute when he retreated through the door he came through and the Cullens came back, "c'mon the jet is waiting for us" Edward said sadly, I just nodded and followed in a new found numbness.

The King's unwanted treasure : twilight Where stories live. Discover now