A new start

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I shivered as the drivers car door opened, "get your stuff y/n" Shiela my social worker said in a gruff voice clearly tiered from the hours of driving,
I pulled my ratty red raincoat tighter to my frame as I opened the car door, the rain was pouring and Shiela had hurried In before me with the only umbrella, I reluctantly hurried for the car trunk to fetch my backpack and duffel bag.

One of the men from the house ran towards me but slowed to a walk when I took a step back in fear, "hey kiddo can I take your bag?" He said to which I nodded and passed the overly large man my duffel, I closed the trunk and we walked in silence, the man had dark hair and was huge like a bodybuilder, he held the door open as we stepped inside the home.

We stepped into a large living room where a lot of people where dotted around the place, my social worker was stood in front of the wall of windows where I joined her, "y/n this is your new family, this is dr and mrs Cullen" she said gesturing to the oldest man and woman, mrs cullen stood up and walked over to me but stopped when i leaned back, he eyes looked sad but she picked herself back up and began to talk, "you can call me Esme and my Husband Carlisle, these are our other children, Alice and Jasper, Rosalie and Emmet, and this is Edward and his girlfriend Bella" she said gesturing to each teenager, my social worker excused herself to finish paper work with Carlisle and Esme leaving me and the others alone.

I sat down and emmet was the first to talk to me, "it's good to have another little sister all these are boring" he said with a grin, I nodded before talking, "are you all adopted?" I said and a series of 'yea' and 'mmhm' made me smile a little, "that's cool I didn't want to be the only one" i said and laughed a little, "so why are you in care" Bella said to witch the others berated her for asking, "Bella that's rude to ask" emmet said above the others,
"so what, she's probably some thief or whore,my dad sees cases like her all the time they steal and run away" Bella as a matter of fact said flicking her hair over her shoulder, emmet began to argue against but I spoke over him "Bella i see your concern but the mr and mrs cullen have adopted kids beforex they k ow what they're doing, I'd appreciate if you butted out of my business" i said with a smile that shut Bella up.

We all fell silent as the social worker, Esme and Carlisle started to walk down the stairs, as soon as Esme's heals touched the ground she began talking, "Edward I believe it's time you took Bella home, y/n dear I can show you to your room now" she said sweetly, Bella scoffed and picked up her hand bag before being walked outside by Edward.

I followed Esme up the wooden steps and into a bedroom, "I don't like that Bella girl just ignore her" Esme said clearly she had heard the whole thing, looking around the room it had a bed in one corner and a sofa on the other side, with a desk and matching set of drawers close to the two doors on the other end of the room, one lead to a wardrobe with plenty of storage that Esme explained "Alice would fill" and my own bathroom that also had a matching green theme to the bedroom and closet, there was fake vines and plants littered around adding to the atmosphere, it was held together with a wall of windows, "it's one sided glass that you can dim to be blackout windows when you want" Esme explained with a wide grin, she was clearly proud of her work.

I loved the green theme so much, the wall of glass met in so much natural light that it lit up the place perfectly, it even had its own bathroom!

I looked at Esme with a grin "thank you so much mrs Cullen"
I said leaping to hug her, she hugged me back and whispered in my ear, "your welcome princess and it's Esme" she said before leaving the hug, "I'll tell one of the boys to bring your bag up and we'll let you settle in for the night" she said before turning and walking out of the room.

I settled my backpack on the bed and pulled out my book, it was tattered and frayed but it was mine, I placed the copy of Alice in wonderland on my pillow and pushed my backpack to the other end of my bed.

I practically threw myself onto the cloud like bed before gigging at myself and picking up my book, ' I'm late, I'm late, for a very important date! No time to say "Hello, Good Bye" I'm late, I'm late, I'm late!' I whispered to myself as I read the book that I loved the most, I was pulled from my book after about 20 minutes when there was a knock at the door, "come in" i said and shoved the book under my pillow.

"Hey hey hey" emmet said as he walked into my room followed by Rosalie who had a plate of food, emmet put my duffel bag down and sat in my desk chair while Rosalie sat on the bed next to me, passing me the plate of pizza, "thank you, so is this place good?" I said before taking a bite of the food, "yea this place is awesome" emmet said happily leaning back in the chair, "what number home is this for you guys? If you don't mind me asking" I said looking at the two, "well this is the second but is our real first homes, you?" Rosalie said looking down at me, "well it's my 8th but including my original family it's my 9th, family's adopt me because I'm a child genius but take me back because at the end of the day I'm still a kid" i said defensively and they both looked shocked for a second but quickly recovered, "there is a bit of a dynamic in this hause, emmet and me are dating, Alice and Jasper are dating and the same with Edward and Bella" Rosalie blurted out, "that's cool,love is love" i said nonchalantly and they smiled at me, "could you guys show me where Esme and Carlisle are? I need to talk to them before bed" i said smiling at the couple, they both nodded and stood which I followed, "you two look good together by the way" i said as we left the room sending a smirk to Rosalie.

I sat down in Carlisles office, Carlisle sat in his chair and Esme sat on the desk facing towards me, "you needed to talk to us?" Carlisle asked, "yea I did know if you guys had read my file" i said worried, Carlisle pulled out my file from his desk drawer and slid it over to me, "we haven't read it because we want you to be comfortable telling us your story, we know simple stuff like your medical needs and flight risks, school etc but other then that the file is yours" he said and I rushed to pick up the file holding it to myself protectively, "thank you both so much, I wanted to talk about it because I get nightmares and sometimes wake up screaming" i said shyly, Esme placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder, "what can we do to make you feel safer" Carlisle said smiling at me, "there isn't anything we can do they just happen" i said playing with my fingers, "do you want to tell us what these nightmares are about, it will stay strictly between us" Esme said and I reluctantly nodded my head, "well my nightmares started when I was around 10 and the nightmares where always the same at first, it was always a large white marble ballroom, I can only work out a few of the faces but I know there are others there with me, the ones I need there some supernatural things like vampires,they always argue with the ones I can't see then when they fight a man with long blond hair comes up to me, he grabs me and the one with the brown hair shouts at him, and that's when I wake up" i said playing with my hands, "what does the one with the brown hair say?" Carlisle said raising an eyebrow, "he just shouts his name,caius, it's an old Greek name I checked", Esme and Carlisle nodded their heads curiously, "you said that there where other nightmares?" Esme said shyly and I nodded my head, "yea two others but I never see any faces it's like there always out of view and everything around them is blurry apart from what I'm focusing on, one of them is about the vampire people again and there's two of them one with black hair and one with white, they are carrying me through the woods to a cottage, it's always the same it smells like apple and pine" i said earning a questionable look from the cullens, "do you want to tell us the last one?" Esme said and I nodded, "it's nothing you wouldn't know if you had read my file anyway so I'm happy to tell you guys anything you want, I'm in a wooded area and for some reason I know I'm playing hide and seek, then suddenly a massive wolf or bear shoots at me, I always wake up before it hits me though", i said with a confused faced as both the cullens had shocked faces, "I'm sorry my princess that you had to go through all that and I'll be here for you when you wake up I promise" she said hopping off the desk and pulling me into a hug, Carlisle stood and walked around joining in the hug, "we promise you that your safe here, you have the other kids and us here if you ever want to talk" he said

Carlisle and Esme had sat in my bedroom with me and talked till late and left me to sleep off the days events, I closed my eyes knowing that I had to make every minute of sleep count, I felt better now that the cullens knew an little part of my past and even better that they didn't know about the rest, I felt for the last time that my case file was still tucked under my pillow safely with all my secrets in it.

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