💢 Just. Act. Dumb. 💢

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Henry and Liam are secretly dating in this au. It will make sense well you read


Henry purposely knocked shoulders with his boyfriend. He did it accidentally about five times already, but they stood so close that neither of them really noticed. "Okay, but seriously, what was up with you today?!" He asked.

Liam shrugged. "What? A guy can't speak his truth?"

"Not when your truth is about how Stacy's mom has got it goin-" Henry started to mock Liam before he got cut off.

"Ooh! There she is!" The taller boy turned his head towards a car in the pick up line.

After craning his neck to get a closer look, Henry saw that the driver was, in fact, Stacy's mom. "Just go after her, man," he said sarcastically after sighing.

"Really?" Liam turned to look at the shorter boy, real confusion in his tone.

"Yeah," Henry answered. "'Cause I might just break up with you now, if you keep it up," He continued, rolling his eyes.

Liam placed his arm around Henry's shoulders, acting just normal enough that the people around them would see them as completely platonic best friends. "It's okay, Henry," Liam said, his voice exaggeratedly sweet. "You don't need to be jealous."

Henry pulled a face, shrugging Liam's arm off. He ppat the taller boy's back. "Stacy's mom will love you, dude. Promise."


Henry and Liam were not on a date. They were just going out, as bros, to watch a movie and probably get something to eat after. Well, that's what they told Jake when they ran into him, anyway.

"God, the entire school is at the mall today," The green-haired boy started. "I think I just saw Zoey and Drew."

"Where?" Liam quickly turned to look around. Henry motioned to the other side of the glass railing.

Yeah, it was Zoey alright. She had, like, five shopping bags in one hand, and her other arm was wrapped tightly around some guy.

Some guy that wasn't Drew.

Holy crap.

"Maybe its not what we think!" Henry tried to reason, as if he could read Liam's mind (he probably could.) "Maybe that's just her... completely platonic, male friend who, uh, goes to a different school," he added, sounding more unsure with each word.

Liam snickered despite his shock. "Yeah, because everyone hangs out with their completely platonic, male friend who goes to a different school like he's their some e-boy boyfriend."

"But there's no way that Zoey's actually..." the shorter boy vaguely motioned with his hands towards the pair in front of them. "It's gotta just be a misunderstanding," He looked at Liam.

He knew that they both knew the answer. "Maybe..." he started as he turned to walk away. "We'll talk to her on Monday, yeah?"

Henry shifted to follow Liam, rushing to get out of Zoey and... Not-Drew's line of sight. "Yeah."


Monday eventually came, and Henry was only a little bit freaked out. Sure, him and Liam caught their best friend's girlfriend maybe (definitely) cheating on him. But still, no big deal, right?

"My driver's outside," Drew said after the painfully slow school day ended. He slung his backpack over one shoulder. "See you guys tomorrow."

The rest of the group responded with a few different variations of "Bye!", except for Jake, who was probably hanging out with the Music Club, as they watched Drew walk outside.

✧The Music Freak One shots✧Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin