💕 Comfort 💕

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No one's POV

Sean was laying down in his bed trying to sleep. He couldn't though. Because this parent's were screaming and throwing things at each other.

'How do people who use to love each other hate each other so fucking much now?' Sean thought to himself.

"Please don't hurt the kids, Larry!" Sean hears his mom scream in fear, "they haven't done anything wrong!"

"Shut the fuck up, Maya! You don't know anything! Your lazy ass just stays on the couch all day! I do everything for this fucking family and no one appreciates me!" Larry screams before throwing a plate at Maya.

"What the hell! I help the kids! I make food for them and take them to school!"


Sean can hear his mom sob as Larry slams walks out of the house and slams the door. He doesn't go down to help her, though. Instead, he calls the one person he can trust.


Jake's POV

I've been trying to sleep for the past 3 hours. I had a really bad nightmare. And it's know 3 am. All of a sudden, I hear my phone ring. 'Who is calling me at three in the morning?'

I look at the phone and see Sean's name on my phone. "Hello?" I say. "Can I come over?" Sean asks me.

"Ummm..." I think, "sure. I'm sure my mom won't mind." I respond. "Thank you, Jake." Sean says. He sounds tired.

I hang up the phone before walking into the bathroom to get ready. Even though it's three in the morning, I still want to look presentable.


No one's POV

It's been 20 minutes, when Jake got a text from Sean saying that he was here. Jake walked down the stairs and opened the front door. When he saw Sean, his face feel. Sean had a bleeding cut on his cheek. "What happened!?" Jake asked as Sean walked into his house. "My mom. She got so mad because my dad when to a bar. So, she grabbed a knife and threw it at me. Thankfully, it only sliced my checks." Sean replied. Jake pulled Sean into a hug and started to cry.

"Why are you crying, Jake? It's not that big of a deal." Sean said as he put his hands around the smaller male.

"Shit, sorry." Jake replied as he backed up and whipped away his tears. "Do you want to go up to my room?"

"Sure." Sean replied.

They both walked up stairs and sat in the bed awkwardly.

"Soooo..." Sean said, "why did you start to cry?"

"It doesn't matter. Don't worry about it." Jake said. This caused Sean to frown and pull Jake into a hug. "You can talk to me, Jake. I won't judg you."

Jake pulled away from the hug and sighed. "Today is the anniversary of my dad passing away. I know it's not that big of a deal, considering the fact that it happened years ago. But for some reason it still hurts. He use to give mom flowers so, every year we both pick flowers from the garden and decorate his grave. But, this year she's in the hospital, and the flowers in the garden are dead."

Sean freezes in shock. He was not expecting that. He pulls Jake into a hug.

"Sorry." Jake says, "you can vent to me if you want. Considering the fact that I just vented to you."

Sean starts venting to Jake, and by 4:30, they were both cuddling and sleeping together.


[613 words]
[Finished June 7th]

🌺- Hi!! I know it's been a while since I lasted posted lol. Anyways, I really enjoy writing so,


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