✨ Platonic Love ✨

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🌺-Sadie goes by they/them in this one shot


✧Sadie's POV✧

I was peacefully reading well Daisy and Stacy were talking about an upcoming student council meeting. All of a sudden I hurd foot steps walk up to me.


"Go kill yourself."

"Why are you so freaky?"


I slowly looked at them. Two boys. They were just staring at me trying not to laugh. I tried to keep my cool and read, but they continued to comment.

"Talk to us freak!"

"You shouldn't be in the student council."

"Stupid idiot!"

Eventually they walked away but what they said continued to run through my head. I could just hear there voices.


✧No One's POV✧

Daisy and Stacy both stopped their conversation and looked at Sadie. They were no longer smiling when they saw them on the verge of tears. Daisy slowly walked up to Saide and put her arm on their shoulder. "Are you okay, Sadie?" Daisy asked as Stacy walked closer to the two.

Sadie ran off. Daisy and Stacy looked at each other in shock and quickly ran after her. They found them in the library. They were crying. Daisy froze. She's never seen Sadie cry before, it wasn't like them to cry. Daisy quickly ran over to Sadie and put her arms around her. Stacy walked up to them and joined the hug.

"It's gonna be okay, Sadie." Daisy said, "don't worry about what those guys have to say."

"Ya! Your perfect just the way you are." Stacy added on, "they don't know you like we do." Sadie looked up to them as tears continued to roll down their face. "Th-than-k you." Sadie said before looking down again. Daisy's face fell.

"You can look at us, Sadie. We aren't going to judge you." Daisy said as she placed her hand on Sadie's chin and lifts their head up so the two of them made eye contact.

"Well always be here, Sadie." Stacy said causing Sadie to turn and look at her. "Thanks. You two are the best friend I could ever have." Sadie said as she wiped away Daisy tears and quickly pulled them back into a hug.


[355 words]

🌺- Sorry it's short. This was based off of a YouTube video I saw. It's the one at the top.

This was not requested, but I hope you liked it nonetheless ^^


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