He furrowed his eyebrows, but bent down and smiled. Harry did the same.

"Hi little buddy," Harry said.

The little boy, who had bleach blonde hair and innocent big blue eyes, waved shyly. He pointed up to Harry and smiled. "Raff," is all he said.

"Raff..? What do you mean, cutie?" Louis asked slowly, looking first at the child, then around the fair to see if the boy's parents were in sight and looking for him.

"Raff! Raff!" He repeated, jumping and pointing to Harry again.

Harry laughed, looking up to where a giant stuffed giraffe was sitting on his shoulders. "This?" He said, pointing to it.

"YA!" The boy shrieked happily, holding his arms out and making noises.

Both Louis and Harry laughed, the boy was just so adorable.

"Do you want it?" Harry asked. "Do you want my giraffe?"

"Raff!" the child replied with a shriek, his tongue sticking out, his eyes wild.

Louis' heart melted as he watched Harry giggle, taking the "Raff" off of his shoulders and holding it out to the little boy. "Here yo-"

"MICAH!!" A woman's voice screeched,

running over to the boy. She ran so fast and swift that she almost knocked Louis over.

"Oh my God!" She exclaimed, picking up the little boy and hugging him tight. Tears filled in her eyes and she kissed his blonde hair (identical to hers) about a thousand times.

She sucked in a deep breath, trying not to cry as she hugged him again and turned to Harry and Louis, a guilty/overwhelmed expression on her face.

"I am SO sorry," she said, juggling Micah on her hip. "I turned my back for two seconds to get him some cotton candy, and then he was gone...thank God he's okay, I don't know what I would've done if he'd been snatched up or something," she said, breathing heavily.

"Whoa whoa," Harry said, awkwardly reaching out and rubbing the woman's back. "It's alright, don't worry, he's safe. Just take deep breaths.." He said, helping her calm down.

Louis just watched in both sadness and amazement; Harry was great with people.

"Thank you," the woman said. "Thank you, thank you, thank you for not letting anything bad happen to my son," she said to both boys with a small smile.

Harry and Louis just smiled, Harry wrapping his arms around his boyfriend. "He's precious," they both said.

She chuckled, brushing some hair out of his face. "Thank you. Micah, baby, what do you say?'

You And I (Completed)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن