The Bad Ones//Chapter 16

Start from the beginning

So high up in the sky...

Far away from this place...

"It hurts..."


Blinking awake, Faythe couldn't determine her surroundings... Her mind reeled back from the depressing dream, and caught back up when she stumbled out of the bed she was laying in, "Where... Wha—!"

Something had grabbed hold of her arm to try an steady her but the red head's mind had flashed back on the grabbing hands made out of flames.

Faythe flinched away from the touch and slapped away the hand with a shaky gasp.

"Miss Writer...??"

Faythe's mind snapped back into focus as her eyes adjusted to the darkness, "R-Robin...?" She took in deep breathes as she tried to control herself. Telling herself she was on a ship instead of the facility.

Robin took a moment to take a good look of the red head, noticing the pale face and layer of sweat trailing down her face. Small intakes of breathing to calm a beating heart. She knew it all too well...

The woman gripped her red hand in the other as she eased the small sore spot where it was smacked, "Are you okay...?"

Faythe stilled for a moment as she took in her surroundings, "A little parched..." She took a gulp and immediately regretted it by how sorely dry her throat was, "C-crap...!" She coughed out.

Robin flinched and began to immediately make a bee line straight towards a tray that had been set up on a dresser, "Here..!" She whispered.

Laying all around the room was the crew all knocked out.

Usopp, Luffy, and Chopper were all curled up around the red head's futon. They're hands and legs sprawled out around them as if they needed to be close to the crew mate when she woke up.

Wyper was situated at the side of a table desk. Nami was in the seat, head comfortably on her arms as she dozed.

Zoro and Sanji had somehow gotten into a cuddle mesh when they were sleeping apparently,

Faythe smiled softly in gratitude as she took the glass of water. Taking a sip she slowly took a few steps towards the desk.

Sprawled across the desk, we're her drafting papers for her next work. It seemed Nami had begun to read them when she was waiting.

Wyper had a few papers in his hands from the previous book.

Faythe slowly and quietly began to grab the papers from his limp hands, taking a good look on what exactly had his attention.

Her eyes trailed down the paper and she smiled, "The battle I had against Enel..." she muttered quietly.

Robin made her way over and organized the papers on the desk, her eyes trailing over them idly as she prepped them back up. She felt a small tap on her shoulder and noticed Faythe had gotten a mound of blankets for a few of crew mates.

The Archeologist watched the parrot pirate begin to drape the navigator and scout. Making sure they were snug and warm before going back to her own futon.

Faythe crisscrossed on her bedding and watched with a smile as Robin sat down in front of her. Her knees tucked to her chest as she wrapped a blanket around herself.

Faythe took another sip of her water before speaking, "Are you okay...?"

Robin blinked, "I-What...? I should be asking you that... Your the one who was frozen...!" She gripped the blanket around her tighter.

Faythe took a moment to look down at her hands and arms, seeing small red splotches of where frostbite had taken ahold of her when she was frozen, "I... I'm fine... I can barely feel it." She turned her sapphire gaze to the woman in front of her.

Robin stared down at the frostbite that trailed up the girl's arms, "Why'd you do it...?" Her brows furrowed in confusion as she thought more on it, "It had nothing to do with you... Yet.." She clamped her mouth shut, not wanting to continue.

Faythe watched how her lips formed a thin line, the fidgeting of her fingers along the edge of the blanket. The way Robin's eyes won't meet her own.

Letting out a sigh, Faythe scooted closer and gently pried the lady's fingers off her blanket and intertwined them into her own, "I know I could've done a lot of things in that moment... I could've just ran away with you to safety... Let the others deal with him..."

"That's not what I'm talking about.."

Faythe gently squeezed her hands, "But you are." She smiled at her, "You didn't like how I rushed back... You didn't wish to put any of us in danger... And you can't fathom the idea of us protecting you to such lengths..."

Robin kept quiet at that, "I... I don't know why you..." Her eyes trailed down in thought, "Why do you keep sacrificing yourself for people...? You always get hurt... You always end up fighting the big bad guy... Even though they're way more stronger than you are..." Robin edged closer and gave a squeeze with her hands, "Why...??"

Faythe chuckled quietly, "I already had this conversation with Usopp... He hates the fact I keep trying to protect everyone... He told me to runaway as a result... Of course I didn't listen..." Faythe leaned her head against the comforter that covered her, "I fight big bad guys that are ten times stronger than me because I have something to protect..."

Robin's eyes widened.

"I fought Crocodile because I was protecting Vivi... I fought Enel because I was protecting Usopp and Sanji as they escaped with Nami... I fought Amiral Aokiji because I was protecting you..." Faythe smiled at her, "And do you know what they all have in common..?"

Robin frowned at the question, "Many... Big enemy... Protecting someone... Sacrificing yourself to a degree..." She stopped listing when she saw the red head's amused smile, "What is it?"

Faythe snorted and beamed the woman, "I was protecting my friends."

Robin stiffened at being referred to as a friend, "Friend... Such a simple thing..." She smiled softly.

"Yet, I'll do anything for them." Faythe pressed her forehead against the Archeologist affectionately, "That includes you."

Robin felt her eyes glaze over with a subtle emotion, "Your crazy..." She stifled a giggle, leaning into the touch.

Faythe closed her eyes while snickering, "That's a good thing, right?"

"You wouldn't be my friend if you weren't at least a little."


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