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Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. all become the colour red..Yuna walks out from a basement with hold out a stack of documents. She read it all at one glance "Mimic..?" She said to herself as she fold back the documents. She facepalmed herself..processing her thoughts. Suddenly, she heard a buzzing sound from the back of her mind, quickly she turn around and see an injured man that trying to call for reinformance. Yuna walk closer to the guy with anger fill up her body." What are u trying to do?"

The man startled and turn his back shackily..his grip loose when he sees the girl that have a dead aura around her." You're trying to call for help? That's not gonna help but worsen the situation buddy" Yuna said dead serious as swing her sword agreesively, she stab the man in the chest countless of time before swing the sword to clean the blood stuck to it." You shouldn't done's bad..very bad.." she put her palm to her face and widden her eyes. A seconds later she could hear a lot of footsteps coming toward the abandon building that Yuna currently in.

She bite her lips and quickly activated her ability. "Ability: I see you.." she said with a furious face. Her ability allow her to turn invisible, Yuna crounch down a little and fastly jumped around the building to make her escape route. She would take out the reinformance if she want but right now she's not in the mood for another blood pools. As she climed the pillars, she make her way to the rooftop and land on a tree branch. She blankly look ahead before turning her gaze to the group of men that endlessly running in the building. Yuna looked ahead again and jump to another branch. She's jumped none stop until she see a road.

Noone POV:

With akutagawa lead the team..he orders the man to take their position and checked the building. The men do as he said." Senpai..the culprit escaped again." Higuchi said to her superior. This make akutagawa greeth his teeth before let out a 'tsk'. "Any survivors?" He blankly ask. Higushi shake her head as a response, this make akutagawa more furious about this.

Currently the Port Mafia most secured basement have been robbed. Some of precious document to the mafia have been stole. If the documets leaks out to the Port Mafia's enemy..they'll be in big troubled. Ten basement had been broke into and the culprit didn't get caught yet. Everyone in the mafia is worried about this issue. Previously an executive meeting have been held to discuss this matter. All the guard are brutally killed and there's no single lived to be seen. The cctv didn't help only caught a single live..the Port Mafia are not sure how many they are. Even the black lizard don't stand a chance...but luckily for them to have their life to spared. The Port Mafia boss had asked them on how the culprit look but they didn't have a good look at them.


"Move away the documents and jewelery in the vault. I'm going back to the HQ to report this to the boss." Akutagawa order Higuchi..and she slowly nod as a yes. Then he turned his back away and start walking out from the woods.

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