"I'm going to excuse myself we have a briefing soon and I need to get dressed." I stood up from the table.

"I had Helen lay out a suit for you I hope you don't mind." Sam replied

"No no I don't mind at all." I gave her a smile before turning around towards the stair case.

See what I mean her going out of her way to make me feel welcome. I've been here for 3 years now you would think I can at least get out my own clothes but I know she was just trying to be helpful.

Making my to my room I could see Helen laying a gray suit on my bed.

"Good morning." I approached her

"Good morning miss Kelly."

"This is cute and I should wear the black red bottoms with this?" I asked picking up the gray pencil skirt and holding it up to my waist making sure it wasn't too short.

"Yes ma'am and I also grabbed a black bag for you to wear with it." She smiled placing the bag on my bed

"And my hair?"

"A ballerina bun?" She guessed

"Perfect, do you have my shower running? You know I like the water to be extra hot." I asked not hearing running water

"Oh I'm so sorry let me do that now." She rushed into my bathroom.

While I waited for my water to be ready I walked around my room and stood in front of my glass trophy case and peered inside. Medals, pictures, and of course trophies of various awards I had won lined the inside. My newest addition my certificate of completion for the police academy was right in the front. My dad was so proud that day, as soon as they called my name I could hear him hoot and holler as loud as his baritone voice would allow him. I'll never forget the look in his eyes when I told him I wanted to join the family business and become an officer. At that moment I decided this case was how I would get my foot in the door and I would complete it by any means necessary.

"Your shower is ready." Helen knocked me out of my thoughts

"Thank you." I replied walking away from my trophy case as if I was a new woman.

Helen helped me undress, and held the shower door open for me to step in. The water was nice and hot just how I like it. She grabbed the necessities needed to bathe me but I held my hands to stop her I wanted to stand under the water just a little bit longer, after a few minutes I let her know she could continue. After my shower she dressed me and did my hair, usually she would also do my make up but I decided just to do light mascara today something real simple.

"Have a good day!" She called out behind me as I walked to the door.

I simply smiled in response. To say it was hot today was an understatement I've spent 2 summers here so you would think I would be used to the Cali heat by now but today was extra hot or maybe it was just my nerves.

"Good morning miss." Our driver spoke to me.

"Good morning." He opened the doors to the Bentley and I climbed in.

The drive to the precinct was filled with nerves, I'm not sure if it was because I feel like I have a point to prove or maybe because I'm going against everything I was taught before my dad came into my life but I didn't want to disappoint him. I took an oath when I graduated the academy and I'm going to uphold it unfortunately this comes with the job. Or maybe that's just what I was telling myself.

"It's now or never." I said to myself once he parked in the parking garage.

"Have a good day." He smiled opening my door waiting for me to step out.

A Thug and His Lady(DAVE EAST FAN FICTION)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora