Chapter 10

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"Did I do something wrong?" I questioned confused, looking at the group of men before me. One of them happened to be Tyler but all of them had tired, annoyed and worried looks.

| Tyler's P.O.V |

I watched as Krystal ringed a dirty white rag out in the sink before nearly setting it to the side. "What are you doing up this early" she shrugged studying the rag rather than looking at us. "I'm not use to sleeping at night nor am I use to a soft bed so I thought I'd clean up in the midtime" glancing up to meet my eyes, she gave me a soft half smile. "Anyways, you house needed a cleaning" my men chuckled at her teasing tone.

"Come to bed" I waved her over but she stayed were she was.

Krystal shook her head before turning on Rockabye by Sean Paul & Anne-Marie. Slowly moving her hips to the beat she continued her cleaning. I sighed, running a hand over my face.

Parker, Gage, my two trackers and my body guards headed off to bed leaving me to wait for krystal. After what seemed like forever the sun started to shine and Krystal finally seemed the slightest bit tired.

We crawled into bed together but this time, Krystal wouldn't let me cradle her in my arms, instead she curled at the edge of the bed and drifted off to sleep. With a light debate with myself, I fell asleep ignoring my urge.

In the morning Krystal wasn't in bed. Walking downstairs in a sleepy haze, I saw her setting at the kitchen island surrounded by ten plates and bowls of food. On the left side of her held plates of food, each plate had something different like Bacon, pancakes, omelets, fruit, muffins, eggs, sausage links etc... But on the led side held empty plates which she was slowly filling with an equal amount of food.

When krystal caught my eye, she smiled and held out a plate "eat" the order was barely a whisper. On the plate had two pancakes, a spoon full of eggs, a spoon full of fruits, two sausage links and one muffin. On other places held similar things except the pancakes were switched out with omelets, I've got to say, her process was smart.

Most of the pack lined up in front of the kitchen island and grabbed a plate and a cup slowly moving along like a breakfast bar. As they past her they'd say a thank you before filling up their cups with juice, water or milk then move in to a table.

When everyone had grabbed a plate, only a couple were left but instead of Krystal grabbing one for herself, she grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl. Eating it thoughtfully she glanced at me, I completely ignored gage and the men surrounding me as Krystal threw her half eaten apple away and walked upstairs.

| Krystal's P.O.V |

When I got upstairs I took my first long hot shower. It felt nice. The feeling of water rolling down my bare back and the many soaps and creams I could use for my skin, I felt like I was in heaven but not everything can last and I found myself wrapped in a fluffy towel soaked.

Walking over to Tyler's closet I dressed in baggy shorts, a grey T-shirt and a black hoodie. All three items reached just below my knees but they were soft and warm making me want to curl into a ball and fall asleep with his scent filling my nose. Sadly, I couldn't.

I grabbed my drawing kit and took out green, blue, yellow, and brown pastels with my drawing pencil and started to draw what I'd seen not to long ago.

I was walking through the forest when I heard the sound of water running behind a bush. Pushing it to the side I saw two deers. One was drinking from a pond, the sunshine hitting the water at the right angle and the other perked up, watching me as I watched it. Around the deers were bushes filled with ripe berries just waiting to be picked.

I drew the small piece of land just how I remembered it.

Had I noticed Tyler watching me draw, I would have stopped but I only noticed when the pictures was complete.

Tyler smiled looking at me thoughtfully. "What?" I whispered slowly.

"I want you to meet someone" a girl around my age with brown hair brown eyes walked in when Tyler stepped to the side.

"Hi, I'm Claire" she held out her hand but my eyes were focused on the hand clinging to Tyler's arm. "Touch my mate again and I will personally cut off your hand" I warned her with a growl. She immediately backed away from both me and Tyler with a worried look. My wolf already let Mark go and she's making it her mission to keep Tyler from slipping away.

"We're t-taking yo-you shop-ping" she stuttered a nervous look crossing her face. If there is one thing I hated the most it was be shopping.

Edited: 7/23/17

*Slightly shortened version*

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